
HELP ME, PLUGINS WONT WORK - Printable Version

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HELP ME, PLUGINS WONT WORK by Eric_Cartman2004 on 07-19-2004 at 10:50 PM

I keep trying to get different plugins, but they just wont work, i tried puttin then in /program files/MSN Plus 3 but they still wont work. Here are list of plugins that work, and wont work, and for the wont work list, y it wont work


  • Color nick 2
  • Leet transform thing
Doesnt work:
  • Stuff Plug- Installer wont open up
  • Handwriter- installer wont open up
  • Random speech thing- installer wont open up.

Any1, plz help me!!!
RE: HELP ME, PLUGINS WONT WORK by Kryptonate on 07-19-2004 at 11:01 PM

what do you mean with "installer wont open up"?

for Stuffplug: be sure to have cximage.dll renamed to cximagecrt.dll and placed in C:\WINDOWS\system32

for handwriting: be sure to have Windows 2000 (SP4 or higher), Windows XP or Windows Server 2003. Is InkRedist installed? It can be found in, run setup.exe in there.

RE: HELP ME, PLUGINS WONT WORK by (CyBeRDuDe) on 07-20-2004 at 12:33 AM

have you read the included readme file in those plugins, coz I know for sure that Stuffplug(if we are talking about StuffPlug NG) and Handwriter have readme's in that explains what you have to do, and Kryptonate explains the most comon problems that ppl tend to forget..... :D... If you have read those readme's and followed them and it still won't work then please post again....

If the stuffplug you have is not StuffPlug NG but the older version StuffPlug V1.5(I think it was) then that one will only work with a Version of MSN that is a litle older(Sorry if I don't have my things right, can't remember if it MSN(newest version) or if it MSG Plus! 3 that it wouldn't work with)... check out the forum for more about this...

Just 1 note:
If the StuffPlug is not StuffPlug NG then forget this underneath or else then:
StuffPlug NG is still only Beta, if you don't have any experience in plugins/msg plugins and have done what it says in the readme then read search this forum and READ!!! if you still don't get it, then forget about the StuffPlug NG Beta and wait untill a final release comes out.....

RE: HELP ME, PLUGINS WONT WORK by Eric_Cartman2004 on 07-20-2004 at 12:44 AM

I have Stuff plug V1.5. so i dont know wat the cximage.dll  fille is. And where do I get StuffPlug NG???
And the handwriting thing, it only came with the read me, and the installer, and it dont explain nutin, plus it dont have the InkRedist.zi file wit it

RE: HELP ME, PLUGINS WONT WORK by Tochjo on 07-20-2004 at 09:19 AM

Originally posted by Eric_Cartman2004
i dont know wat the cximage.dll  fille is
Look at jackass_wanabe's reply to Stuff Plug NG Latest.
Originally posted by Kryptonate
be sure to have cximage.dll renamed to cximagecrt.dll and placed in C:\WINDOWS\system32

Originally posted by Eric_Cartman2004
the handwriting thing, it only came with the read me, and the installer, and it dont explain nutin, plus it dont have the InkRedist.zi file wit it
Look at Ink/Handwriting Plugin Everything you need to know right here :)
RE: HELP ME, PLUGINS WONT WORK by antonywilson on 07-20-2004 at 02:34 PM

If you are talking about the old version of stuff plug not working, then it works fine on mine, and my versions of msn plus and msn are up to date.
Mine did stop working the other day, but I just disabled it in MSn plus, then exited msn, deleted the stuff plug dll files and reinstalled. Try downloading the old version of stuff plug from Ants Programs It is located in the programs>msn related downloads section.:)

RE: HELP ME, PLUGINS WONT WORK by Eric_Cartman2004 on 07-20-2004 at 02:51 PM

Weird, I went on this moring, and wouldnt ya know it, all the plugins are working, except the haddwritting out. Weird eh?
Can any1 give an explaintion on y this has happened???

RE: HELP ME, PLUGINS WONT WORK by RaceProUK on 07-21-2004 at 09:41 AM

Originally posted by (CyBeRDuDe)
StuffPlug V1.5(I think it was) then that one will only work with a Version of MSN that is a litle older(Sorry if I don't have my things right, can't remember if it MSN(newest version) or if it MSG Plus! 3 that it wouldn't work with)
StuffPlug1.5 works with the latest Plus and MSNMsg.