
personalised status vanishing - Printable Version

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personalised status vanishing by sophie1975 on 08-01-2004 at 11:35 AM

Hello !
First forgive me my mistakes, i'm french but i couldn't find any answer to my question in french. I will try to be clear enough...
I've got a problem with my personalised status...
I've created several of them. For instance one is named "watching tv", and i chose to associate it to the "away" pre-defined status. When i select it, my name is changed in "sophie est devant la télé" (the french way to say i'm watching tv). The problem is that when i return to my computer after a while, the status has been changing in the classical "away" status. No more personalised thing following my name (suffixe, in french, don't know the english way to say it). No more automatic reply... Just the predefined status "away".
I hope you can understand what i mean !!! Is there something to do to keep my personalised status as long as i don't change it myself ?

RE: personalised status vanishing by Sunshine on 08-01-2004 at 11:41 AM

u need to turn off the auto away-idle function in msn messenger itself: tools > options > personal (tab) uncheck "show me as away when im inactive for ... mins"

RE: personalised status vanishing by sophie1975 on 08-01-2004 at 11:53 AM

I had already done that... it doesn' change anything and my problem appears with any personalised status, even if it's associated with "busy" or "soon be back" (my very personnal translation of the french words).
Any other idea ?

RE: personalised status vanishing by Sunshine on 08-01-2004 at 12:06 PM

Plus > preferences > general options > miscellanious (tab)
uncheck "automaticly change status after a period of inactivity"

Then exit msn messenger (from systray also) an restart.

RE: personalised status vanishing by sophie1975 on 08-01-2004 at 12:14 PM

ok, i'm gonna try that.
Thank U