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Chat Logging Settings by Tom_Tom on 08-01-2004 at 01:32 PM


I have installed Plus! 3 and have enabled logging, but I have disabled it on the normal MSN messenger so it doesn't create two different ones in different formats!

My problem is I set it to "create a different directory for each file" and set the place as "C:\Convsations". It used to put the text file in that persons own directory e.g. "C:\Conversations\\July 2004.txt" but since I've reinstalled it, it just puts the text file in the main directory e.g. "C:\Conversations"!

There isn't a setting where you can put each contacts log in a different place, so why isn't it putting them in their separate folders?! I know is shouldn't be the other option "create a directory for each month for every file" because that'd end up with them as "C:\Conversations\May 2004\"

Any help's appreciated!

RE: Chat Logging Settings by Anubis on 08-01-2004 at 03:25 PM

Main Messenger Window > Plus! > Preferences > Logging > Archiving > Create a different directory for each file, this should make logging go back to your previous preferred state, sorry about the delayed reply...This place seems to have been a little dead today

RE: Chat Logging Settings by Tom_Tom on 08-02-2004 at 06:15 PM

Hey Anubis,

Thanks for the reply! That's the option I have selected in my preferences...but it's not creating a different directory for each contact, it's just putting all the text files in the root directory I selected!

The directories are already there because a previous install created why doesn't it put them in there instead of what it's doing now?

I'm confused!