
help on encryption and notepad! - Printable Version

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help on encryption and notepad! by dat_geezer on 08-04-2004 at 03:27 PM

hey all! well this is a peculiar occurance!! never happened to me b4!! and just asked ppl in live chat n dey dunno hw 2 solve it! so hoping sum1 here could!
encryption works fine!...but my notepad.exe failed to work for sum unknown reason, so i deleted it and got the same version from my friend!..same OS and all!..newayz! whenever i open a encrypted chat log...notepad opens it as if its a normal text file! doesnt give me the option to type in a password, and the file extension is still in .ple
ive reinstalled msgplus!..but the same happens! ne 1 cud b much appreciated! thanx!

RE: help on encryption and notepad! by Anubis on 08-04-2004 at 05:57 PM

Don't open the .ple file in notepad, when you do so it has no idea what's in the file and so doesn't no to encrypt it, M$ and Patchou don't liaise. Instead open it in Windows Explorer or MSN Messenger...and then it will ask you for the password and then open it in notepad

RE: help on encryption and notepad! by dat_geezer on 08-05-2004 at 11:13 PM

when i try to open the logs on windows explorer, it says file extension unknown!...and when i open it on just opens the notepad file!...i also tried opening it with a different word program...but the same happens!...:S...

RE: help on encryption and notepad! by lopardo on 08-05-2004 at 11:35 PM

The .ple file association with Plus has been removed somehow, the easiest way to restore it is by reinstalling Plus.

RE: help on encryption and notepad! by CookieRevised on 08-09-2004 at 12:33 PM


I'm going to try to explain a bit more what has happend....

If you open a file in Notepad (start notepad then go to the file menu), the file will be read as text. That goes for any file you open in notepad (even .exe files, etc)...

Now, when you open a file in Windows Explorer by double clicking it, Windows checks his settings to see if there is a program associated to that file extension. For .txt files this can be notepad for example. For .doc files this is Word, etc... For encrypted logfiles from Plus! (.ple) this is Messenger Plus!, not notepad, Word or anything else...

So what happens (or at least should happen) when you double click a .ple file is that Windows starts up Messenger Plus! with that file. Then Messenger Plus! decrypts it to a temporary file and then Messenger Plus! starts notepad with that temporary file.

Onlmy Messenger Plus! knows that it is an ecrypted file. You wont be able to load the .ple in any other program (even msn) because it doesn't know how to handle the file...

What went wrong with you is that the association between the .ple file and Messenger Plus! got deleted. To fix it do as Lopardo suggested: reinstall Plus!...