
Custom emoticons don't work - Printable Version

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Custom emoticons don't work by SexyTiger on 08-17-2004 at 09:39 AM

I added too much custom emoticons and now MSN messenger doe's not show them. When I click "my custom emoticons" a error message appears saying that I need to create new ones and the list is empty. But with msgplus emoticons panel, the old custom emoticons appear, but the are only shown as text. And yesterday I instaled smileycentral, and even thoses emoticons are only shown as text. I've already reinstaled MSN but the problem remains :( Can anyone help me please?

RE: Custom emoticons don't work by Tochjo on 08-17-2004 at 09:48 AM

It sounds that some file may have got corrupt. You can try the following procedure to remove all Custom Emoticons related things.

Go to the folder C:\Documents and Settings\Username\Application Data\Microsoft\MSN Messenger\number, with Username being your Windows username and number the number that symbolises your email address. If there is more than one folder, use this program to find out which number is correct. Open the attached program, enter your email address and you'll find out easily :)

Open that numbered folder and delete the folder called CustomEmoticons. Reboot and add your custom emoticons again; your problem should be fixed :)

RE: Custom emoticons don't work by SexyTiger on 08-17-2004 at 10:05 AM

thanks :) that fixed the problem, but smileycentral icons are still shown as text only :( Any ideia to fix the problem?

RE: Custom emoticons don't work by Tochjo on 08-17-2004 at 10:25 AM

There are known compatibility issues with SmileyCentral and Messenger Plus!. This might be causing your problem.

Also, I don't really understand where they are shown as text only.

RE: Custom emoticons don't work by SexyTiger on 08-17-2004 at 10:36 AM

When I click the icon, it enters the text in the textbox, than I click on "send", an emoticon is suposed to appear instead of the text, but no, the text isn's replaced by the emoticon. In their site they say I must reboot my computer, but I already did :( Looks like I can't use smileycentral.

Thanks for everything :)

RE: Custom emoticons don't work by SexyTiger on 08-17-2004 at 10:40 AM

FIxed the problem :) it was infopen that was interfering with it