
Plug-in Idea for Development, Boss Key - Printable Version

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Plug-in Idea for Development, Boss Key by tim776 on 08-26-2004 at 08:45 PM

I love the Boss key. That's very  helpful. It would also be nice if my MSN went automatically to boss mode when I leave my PC and it turns to Away. By that, I mean, I've got mine set to go to "Away" status after two minutes. I wish my MSN would go to Boss mode automaticallly at that time. It would also be nice if getting out of boss mode were password protected.

With this feature, if I'm away from my PC for a while, my messenger is out of the way and out of sight, and nobody can get into it!

RE: Plug-in Idea for Development, Boss Key by RaceProUK on 08-26-2004 at 09:57 PM

I'm not sure how this would be possible in a plugin, but I'm also sure that there is a way. However, the boss protection doesn't have a password, and cannot have one. Patchou may add one in the next Plus, but I don't know.