
Can't write 800mb cd's - Printable Version

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Can't write 800mb cd's by libertystatue on 08-29-2004 at 12:38 PM


I'm using Nero, Xp, CD writer Philips PCRW5224
When I want to write to a 800mb cd Nero says there's not enough space on the disc (but there is :()
Anyone any idea what might be the problem ?

Thanx a lot!!

RE: Can't write 800mb cd's by Anubis on 08-29-2004 at 12:47 PM

Do you have over burn enabled in Nero?

RE: Can't write 800mb cd's by libertystatue on 08-29-2004 at 12:49 PM

Where can i change that setting ?

RE: Can't write 800mb cd's by Anubis on 08-29-2004 at 12:53 PM

Nero Express > More > Configure > Expert Features > (check box) Enable overburn Disk-at-Once burning > OK

RE: Can't write 800mb cd's by libertystatue on 08-29-2004 at 12:56 PM

i enabled it, set maximum cd size to 90 minutes... but still not working :(

RE: Can't write 800mb cd's by Anubis on 08-29-2004 at 01:03 PM

Does Windows recognise the disk as a 800mb disk or a 702mb disk (in My Computer > Right click on disk > Properties)?
If it recognises it as a 702mb disk it may be that your CD-RW drive needs an update of firmware, you'll probably find it somewhere here, but make sure you get the right one! I can't stress that enough!
If Windows recognises it as an 800mb disk ignore the firmware issue...

RE: Can't write 800mb cd's by libertystatue on 08-29-2004 at 01:26 PM

Windows recognized as 702mb.

I updated but still the same problem :^)

I'm getting a little desperate :|

RE: Can't write 800mb cd's by Anubis on 08-29-2004 at 01:44 PM

This sounds more towards a product limitation on behalf of your CD rewriter manufacturer...
(Evidence; Windows Reads it as 702mb, firmware updates don't solve it)...
Therefore a few things come to mind;
1) Contact your CD Rewriter Manufacturer, tell them the exact problem, how Windows and Nero recognise it as a 702mb disk, you've enabled overburn, and that you've updated the careful to include your exact CD Rewriter model ;)
2) Make sure the disks aren't mislabelled, or you've got a dodgy 800mb disk...
3) Make sure the firmware update worked...

RE: Can't write 800mb cd's by libertystatue on 08-29-2004 at 01:47 PM

I'll try contacing them.

Thanks a lot for the help !!

RE: Can't write 800mb cd's by CookieRevised on 08-29-2004 at 02:54 PM

similar thread:

make sure overburning is turned on, the limit from 80min is set to +-92min and you have a cd-burner that can support this special format. (upgrade your firmware if possible)

RE: Can't write 800mb cd's by RebelSean on 08-29-2004 at 08:50 PM

Just umm a question, Most disks down here in the south are 700mb, I haven't ever seen a 800mb cd...On the front of the disk make sure it says 800 but nothing lower.