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RE: Perferences list by megamuff on 09-08-2004 at 08:32 PM

people can already talk to you when you block them, a bug in messenger that microsoft doesnt want to admit, i use it often. i think plus should allow you to send messages to someone you blocked so they cant harass you without you being able to at least say something back.. better yet, a feature in plus that could block message from someone would be awesome.

RE: Perferences list by RaceProUK on 09-08-2004 at 10:17 PM

Originally posted by megamuff
people can already talk to you when you block them, a bug in messenger that microsoft doesnt want to admit
How long ago was this bug fixed? A year? Two years? Longer?

I'm only going to say this once: block checkers and similar exploits NO LONGER WORK!
RE: RE: Perferences list by megamuff on 09-09-2004 at 10:58 PM

Originally posted by raceprouk
Originally posted by megamuff
people can already talk to you when you block them, a bug in messenger that microsoft doesnt want to admit
How long ago was this bug fixed? A year? Two years? Longer?

I'm only going to say this once: block checkers and similar exploits NO LONGER WORK!

erm, its a current bug, and only recently broke out, in fact at the moment i have to use 'appear offline' status to stop the people i blocked from talking to me.
RE: Perferences list by Chestah on 09-10-2004 at 08:53 AM

Yeah i have recently blocked people from my list and then 2 seconds later their window pops up again with a message, however i cannot reply to them because the window is greyed out because i blocked them :P!!

A good feature for msg plus would be using a similar approach to chat logging as mircosofts one does. For example if you use your .net passport on another computer when you exit your first conversation window it asks you if you would like to save chat logs locally. Msg plus should incorporate this feature to and ask you maybe at the start of the convo or end if you'd like to save chat logs locally with the different accounts. Maybe msgplus could save a list of users that have logged onto msn messenger and if its set to save or not to save their logs - then as different users are added their .net passport is saved in the file and their chat log settings!

RE: Perferences list by CookieRevised on 09-10-2004 at 10:24 AM

Originally posted by megamuff
erm, its a current bug, and only recently broke out, in fact at the moment i have to use 'appear offline' status to stop the people i blocked from talking to me.
Originally posted by Chestah007
Yeah i have recently blocked people from my list and then 2 seconds later their window pops up again with a message, however i cannot reply to them because the window is greyed out because i blocked them
If you select "Only people on my allow list can see my status and send me messages", they can NOT talk to you anymore...

RE: Perferences list by RaceProUK on 09-10-2004 at 10:32 AM

Y'know, I'd like to see this 'bug' reproduced.

RE: Block checkers by CookieRevised on 09-10-2004 at 11:03 AM

Originally posted by Chestah007
A good feature for msg plus would be using a similar approach to chat logging as mircosofts one does. For example if you use your .net passport on another computer when you exit your first conversation window it asks you if you would like to save chat logs locally. Msg plus should incorporate this feature to and ask you maybe at the start of the convo or end if you'd like to save chat logs locally with the different accounts. Maybe msgplus could save a list of users that have logged onto msn messenger and if its set to save or not to save their logs - then as different users are added their .net passport is saved in the file and their chat log settings!
This thread or the original thread were it was posted were not a "wishlist" thread... this is off topic... post this in an already existing feature-request thread or at least create a new thread for this suggestion....

Originally posted by raceprouk
Y'know, I'd like to see this 'bug' reproduced.
I just did....

but this is NOT the same bug as the one you are referring to...

set up:
* nobody is blocked
* Contact A has "allow only people..." UNchecked

* Contact B opens a convo with Contact A
* Contact A blocks Contact B
* Contact B will see that Contact A is appearing offline in his convo (top yellow box)
* As long as Contact B has the convo still open, he can keep sending messages to contact A

This was seriously offtopic in the original thread, so posts regarding this bug were requested to split up in a new thread.... don't post off topic
RE: Block checkers by RaceProUK on 09-10-2004 at 10:37 PM

I now think I can explain this behaviour...

The conversations don't go via the central server (the one you sign into): they go trough a separate switchboard server. If the connection to that remains OPEN when the contact is blocked, then the conversation is still ALIVE. This means that the conversation can continue, at least one way.

Put simply, Messenger blocks the person, but doesn't end the conversation.

Maybe this should be submitted to MSN in a bug report...

RE: Block checkers by Millenium_edition on 09-10-2004 at 10:49 PM

normally it should. if you open a convo with a blocked contact it's closed right after it opened :-/

RE: Block checkers by RaceProUK on 09-10-2004 at 10:57 PM

Originally posted by raceprouk
Messenger blocks the person, but doesn't end the conversation.
Originally posted by Millenium_edition
normally it should. if you open a convo with a blocked contact it's closed right after it opened :-/
Two similar but fundamentally different scenarios. The one that reproduces the bug starts with the contact unblocked, whereas the one you suggest ME starts with the contact blocked.

That's why I suggested sending a bug report to MSN.
RE: Block checkers by Millenium_edition on 09-10-2004 at 11:02 PM

I followed cookie's instructions. It didn't work in here :p

RE: Block checkers by CookieRevised on 09-11-2004 at 08:20 AM

Originally posted by Millenium_edition
I followed cookie's instructions. It didn't work in here :p
It should work, I tested this with several versions on several servers... reread my instructions ;)

RE: RE: Perferences list by megamuff on 09-13-2004 at 10:48 PM

Originally posted by CookieRevised
Originally posted by megamuff
erm, its a current bug, and only recently broke out, in fact at the moment i have to use 'appear offline' status to stop the people i blocked from talking to me.
Originally posted by Chestah007
Yeah i have recently blocked people from my list and then 2 seconds later their window pops up again with a message, however i cannot reply to them because the window is greyed out because i blocked them
If you select "Only people on my allow list can see my status and send me messages", they can NOT talk to you anymore...

stop lying in your answers. i happen to already have that box checked, because people LONG LONG AGO were using msn messnger to advertise without adding me to their lists. i have that box checked, i block someone who is spamming me, and they can keep spamming me, they do, and i end up having to use 'appear offline' status to force them to stop. THAT, OR WAITING, OR GOING OFFLINE, IS THE ONLY WAY TO SHUT THEM UP.

(PS: sorry if this comes off as rude, its just frustrating to see people try to spread their ignorance, especially when its just so obvious.)
RE: Block checkers by CookieRevised on 09-13-2004 at 11:10 PM

dude, chill down.... I'm not here to lie and give wrong information. If I did, I wouldn't have the rep I have atm. I tested this myself, and I know what I'm talking about. Furthermore, I've seen many people on this forum telling stuff, and flaming everything around them, while in the end, they were proven wrong. So don't give me this, stop flaming and give us proof instead....

If you (or anyone else) proofs that I'm wrong, I'll stand corrected, but don't give me this shit dude... (and saying that it works isn't proof)

And don't tell me that I give improper info while the statement in your signature is total "bs"...

RE: Block checkers by megamuff on 09-13-2004 at 11:23 PM

Originally posted by CookieRevised
dude, chill down.... I'm not here to lie and give wrong information. If I did, I wouldn't have the rep I have atm. I tested this myself, and I know what I'm talking about. Furthermore, I've seen many people on this forum telling stuff, and flaming everything around them, while in the end, they were proven wrong. So don't give me this, stop flaming and give us proof instead....

If you (or anyone else) proofs that I'm wrong, I'll stand corrected, but don't give me this shit dude... (and saying that it works isn't proof)

And don't tell me that I give improper info while the statement in your signature is total "bs"...

EDIT: the statement in my sig came from guinness book of records 2k, so go tell them about this "bull shit" you are talking about. unless BS means the opposite of that..

[03:02:05 AM] ...;) who's :  6
[03:02:05 AM] ...;) who's : 45
[03:02:05 AM] ...;) who's : 6
[03:02:05 AM] ...;) who's : 56
[03:02:05 AM] ...;) who's : 5
[03:02:05 AM] ...;) who's :  6
[03:02:05 AM] ...;) who's : 5
[03:02:05 AM] ...;) who's : 645
[03:02:06 AM] ...;) who's :  5
[03:02:06 AM] ...;) who's : 64
[03:02:07 AM] ...;) who's : 56
[03:02:07 AM] * ...;) who's your da-ddy ;)... has been blocked
[03:02:07 AM] ...;) who's : 456
[03:02:07 AM] ...;) who's : 456

doncha hate being proved wrong? i'll go dig up more logs.
RE: Block checkers by BEWARE^^ on 09-13-2004 at 11:26 PM

huh thats strange never saw that before :S:S

RE: Block checkers by CookieRevised on 09-13-2004 at 11:29 PM

Originally posted by megamuff
EDIT: the statement in my sig came from guinness book of records 2k, so go tell them about this "bull shit" you are talking about. unless BS means the opposite of that..
1) It is known that GBoR has errors in them...
2) There is no way in telling how much damage a virus has caused. It can only be estimated and even the estimation isn't relaible.
3) A software virus written before 1988 can't alter a deep hardware bios chip inreversible. BIOS's back then weren't flashable by software like you can now, at most you can alter some registers which are easly fixed...
RE: RE: Block checkers by megamuff on 09-13-2004 at 11:33 PM

Originally posted by CookieRevised
Originally posted by megamuff
EDIT: the statement in my sig came from guinness book of records 2k, so go tell them about this "bull shit" you are talking about. unless BS means the opposite of that..
1) It is known that GBoR has errors in them...
2) There is no way in telling how much damage a virus has caused. It can only be estimated and even the estimation isn't relaible.
3) A software virus written before 1988 can't alter a deep hardware bios chip. BIOS's back then weren't flashable by software...

1) KNOWN or thought?
2) reports, son, reports. people can report damage to authorities.
3) obviously someone doesnt know it is possible to update a bios, well what that does is over-write the old bios chip with new information, if you do this wrong you can destroy your computer. (new computers have backup bios, but this virus attacked older computers.)
4) you didnt address the fact that you were proved wrong.

EDIT: more.

[04:37:05 AM] * andrew has been blocked
[04:37:20 AM] andrew: h

ok, theres the second.

[05:49:19 PM] * If your seein' Zombies you are lookin' in the
              mirrior-Asleep has been blocked
[05:49:24 PM] If your seei: ok ok
[05:49:31 PM] If your seei: i know they can

number three...

EDIT: more more.

[12:05:42 AM] * uoi100 (h) has been blocked
[12:06:03 AM] uoi100 (h): ...

number four...
RE: Block checkers by CookieRevised on 09-13-2004 at 11:45 PM

1) known
2) Do research and read before you post something...
3) Obviously you don't know shit about hardware and the history about computers... Do some research and read what PC's were in 1988 and what the BIOS's were back then..... edit: did some research in your place: the CIH virus was written and executed in 1998/1999, and in 1998/1999 BIOS's were flashable... PS: Also, the nuclear power accident in Chernobyl happend in 1986. So who's wrong hu?
4) I'm not proven wrong at all... How are a few written lines going to proof me wrong????

a) This is seriously going off topic
b) Unless you have proper proof (tell us how to do it in detailed steps just like I did) I'm not gonna reply anymore....

RE: RE: Block checkers by megamuff on 09-13-2004 at 11:50 PM

Originally posted by CookieRevised
1) known
2) Do research and read before you post something
3) Obviously you don't know shit about hardware and the history about computers...
4) I'm not proven wrong at all... How are a few written lines going to proof me wrong????

1) mm hmm.
2) ditto.
3) ditto.
4) well, what do you want? me to ask someone to spam me, block them, and all the while make a video recording of it? because if i have no other choice i might just do that.

i just realized something, everyone. i degraded myself to the level of a noob who has been given power. i am truely sorry for those of you who have to read this. i wont make any more insulting commotion for you to have to thumb through.
RE: Block checkers by CookieRevised on 09-13-2004 at 11:58 PM

reread my post

RE: Block checkers by Dane on 09-14-2004 at 12:55 AM

To solve the CIH Virus Dispute in his sig, see my quote from "Symantec Security Response", as well as the links I collected.

Originally posted by Symantec Security Response USA

Due to decreased submissions, Symantec Security Response has downgraded this threat level to 2 from 3 as of March 30, 2004.
The CIH virus, also known as Chernobyl, was first discovered in June 1998 in Taiwan. According to the Taipei authorities, Chen Ing-hau wrote the CIH virus. The name of the virus derived from his initials.

CIH is a destructive virus with a payload that destroys data. On April 26, 1999, the payload triggered for the first time, causing many computer users to lose their data. In Korea, it was estimated that as many as one million computers were affected, resulting in more than $250 million in damages.

Although the virus is rather old, Symantec still believes the virus is in the wild and may cause damage to computer users who use outdated virus definitions, or who do not use antivirus software.
Also Known As:  Chernobyl, PE_CIH, Win95.CIH, Win32.CIH, W95/CIH.1003, CIH.Spacefiller
Type:  Virus
Infection Length:  Up to 1KB

Systems Affected:  Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me
Systems Not Affected:  DOS, Linux, Macintosh, OS/2, UNIX, Windows 2000, Windows NT, Windows XP

Payload Trigger: W95.CIH V1.2 and V1.3 (April 26), W95.CIH V1.4 (26th of any month)
Payload: Destroys data and causes possible damage to CMOS

CIH is a virus that infects the 32-bit Windows 95/98/NT executable files, but can function only under Windows 95/98 and ME. It does not function under Windows NT or Windows 2000. When an infected program is run under Windows 95/98/ME, the virus becomes resident in memory. To remove the virus, do one of the following:

Recommended method: Use the Symantec Security Response CIH Removal Tool, which removes the virus from memory and prevents the need to reboot from a clean system disk.
Reboot the computer from a Rescue Disk.
Reboot the computer from the Norton AntiVirus (NAV) 2001/2002 CD, if your computer allows this option.

If this is not done, the virus will infect every file scanned with Norton AntiVirus or with any antivirus program.

Although Windows NT system files can be infected, the virus cannot become resident or infect files on a computer running Windows NT or Windows 2000. The virus does not function under DOS, Windows 3.1, or on Macintosh computers. Once the virus is resident, the CIH virus infects other files when accessed.

The files infected by CIH may have the same size as the original files, due to the unique infection mode of CIH. The virus searches for empty, unused spaces in the file. Next, it breaks itself up into smaller pieces and inserts its code into these unused spaces. When NAV repairs a file infected by CIH, it looks for these small viral pieces and removes them from the file.

As of April, 1999, three known, similar variants of this virus exist. CIH versions 1.2 and 1.3 have a payload that will trigger on April 26, commemorating Chernobyl, the Soviet nuclear disaster, which occurred on April 26, 1986. CIH version 1.4 has a payload that will trigger on the 26th of any month. The payloads of all the versions of CIH are the same.

The first payload overwrites the hard disk with random data, starting at the beginning of the disk (sector 0) using an infinite loop. The overwriting of the sectors does not stop until the system has crashed. As a result, the computer will not boot from the hard disk or floppy disk. Also, the data that has been overwritten on the hard disk will be very difficult or impossible to recover. You must restore the data from backups.

The second payload tries to cause permanent damage to the computer. This payload attacks the Flash BIOS (a part of your computer that initializes and manages the relationships and data flow between the system devices, including the hard drive, serial and parallel ports, and the keyboard) and tries to corrupt the data stored there. As a result, nothing may be displayed when you start the computer. A computer technician would need to fix this.

Also, I have included a list of links related to ALL variants of the CIH virus.








W95.CIH Removal Tool (Kill CIH):

</resident virus geek>
RE: Block checkers by Wabz on 09-14-2004 at 12:58 AM

One :refuck:
Two :refuck:
Three :refuck:
Four :refuck:

Thats the first thing cleared up

hmmmm :refuck:
i wonder ? :refuck:
Google works wonders you know :refuck:

RE: Block checkers by RaceProUK on 09-14-2004 at 12:23 PM

Originally posted by wtbw
I've seen this happen before, and it is because of the reason raceprouk said.
At least someone reads my posts.