
really need help here ! - Printable Version

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really need help here ! by roger_casablancas on 09-21-2004 at 12:06 AM

To Whom It May Concern
    I am really in need from your help, since before i had counted with your help but this is the first time that i in deed need of your help.
    What happen is that i have windows xp and  i almost have a week with certain  problems, which are the following:

1.    I cant open My Shared Folder nor Kazaa lite from the desktop
2.    After trying, the internet becomes way too slow and i doesnt even allow me to clic on the bar of directions
3.    Windows Task Manager cant be open
4.    And it has gone to the point were i cant even save in a disket

The problems mentioned on top are the main problems i am having, and “yes” i already download the program Stinger and only the first time it found the virus, this happen before i had this problem and now i am getting no answer. I also runned the program “spybot” and it also failed to find any type of virus.
By now i dont know what else to do, i did the System Restore and  now its to the point where i cant even open pages from the internet, i am really desperate for your help.

thanks !

RE: really need help here ! by bach_m on 09-21-2004 at 12:21 AM

1. Purchase, or otherwise obtain, a REAL virus scanner, such as Symantec's Norton Antivirus.

2. run the update function of Spybot, and then have it re-check. Sypbot is not a virsu scanner, it is a spyware scanner.

RE: RE: really need help here ! by roger_casablancas on 09-21-2004 at 02:04 AM

Originally posted by bach_m
1. Purchase, or otherwise obtain, a REAL virus scanner, such as Symantec's Norton Antivirus.

2. run the update function of Spybot, and then have it re-check. Sypbot is not a virsu scanner, it is a spyware scanner.

oh sorry, yeah spybot is just for spyware, I also run adware and nothing come yet, this really suck:(
RE: really need help here ! by bach_m on 09-21-2004 at 02:29 AM

Originally posted by roger_casablancas

oh sorry, yeah spybot is just for spyware, I also run adware and nothing come yet, this really suck

ad-aware is also for spyware.

u need a virus scanner. Norton is very good
RE: really need help here ! by RebelSean on 09-21-2004 at 02:48 AM

For a free semi-perfect (in my opinion), you should use eScorcher, which you can get off of

Hope this helps a bit :).

RE: really need help here ! by Chrono on 09-21-2004 at 02:49 AM

AVG ( ) is a free decent virus scanner, but nothing beats Norton IMHO

RE: really need help here ! by bach_m on 09-21-2004 at 11:08 AM is a free ONLINE virus scanner. but you need to be able to load pages for that.....

RE: really need help here ! by Sunshine on 09-21-2004 at 11:57 AM

U could try this free AV program...i use it when i first installed it it found trojans Norton had left.

AntiVir Personal Edition

direct dl link:

RE: really need help here ! by roger_casablancas on 09-22-2004 at 12:52 AM

thanks a lot for your help, I'll try all the programs that you recommended to me, and if that doesn't work, I'll reinstall windows.

and sorry for the bad english, I'm from mexico

Hello there !
I'm still having problems. After trying all your sugestion I have no more choice than formating all over my computer. I lost everything of course, but this thing is still slow (maybe because I formated it with NTFS).
I dont know what I've had done wrong, but this thing is still slow and frezzes and I have to restart it)

I really hope that you guys can help me, and sorry for the very bad english, I'm trying my best (I'm mexican)
and by the way, after the second time that I turn it on, when it is loading in the very begin an error alert came that said something about an error with explorer.exe

and I'm really sorry for the bad english
RE: really need help here ! by roger_casablancas on 09-27-2004 at 11:00 PM

I know this is a little bit of spam, but I really need help :$

RE: really need help here ! by BEWARE^^ on 09-27-2004 at 11:51 PM

whats your problem roger explain a bit more about the problem that you have