
Webcam 'how to' questioin - Printable Version

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Webcam 'how to' questioin by hodunwun on 10-02-2004 at 05:18 AM

I just hooked up a Logitech webcam and I'd like to you it with Windows Messenger.    The camera is up and running ok with the logitech driver and their image program.  Question: do I need to use the logitech IM program to use Windows Messenger with XP pro??  Or can I just open WM and proceed with a video call.  I tried the later but nothing  happens.
Thanks for your attention.
doug 8-|

RE: Webcam 'how to' questioin by marissa on 10-02-2004 at 05:24 AM

have you tried to set it up in the audio/video wizard? To to Tools( the main msn contact window) > audio/video tuning wizard. Just select your camera where it is, i hope you get it to work! :)