
I have trouble w my girlfriend - Need a PlugIn - Printable Version

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I have trouble w my girlfriend - Need a PlugIn by BlackStar on 10-11-2004 at 04:48 PM

Short background:
With all these outtages from Microsoft, logging you on/off on/off on/off
I had trouble with my girlfriend.
I was away this weekend but she is nagging me now: "You have not been away, I've seen you logging on and off several times!!!" 8o| :@

I know that there are several plugins/programs that are able to log you on
in "Appear Offline" mode.

Is there a way to log me on automatically in mode "Away" and at the same time setting a Personal status like:

<username> {Visiting Grandma}
With a tailored text: I am away right now, call me on the cellphone.
I'll be back (!PS_E)
At the same time using the filter so that only special contacts can see the message.

Even better would have been letting different contacts having different messages.

Hope You'll understand what i mean.

RE: I have trouble w my girlfriend - Need a PlugIn by Plik on 10-11-2004 at 05:23 PM

This has been suggested before
And there is a plugin that can do this.
Read Tochjo's reply to Remembering Status

RE: I have trouble w my girlfriend - Need a PlugIn by BlackStar on 10-11-2004 at 07:52 PM

Okay, thanks madman66, I'll try the MSNProxy solution. I've tried the StatusSaver before but it will first log you in, and then off.
MSNProxy seems to be the proper solution.

I also found a registrytweak "ResetNameTag" that will keep my text after the Screenname. I used the excellent program from Carlos Domingo Más.

Only thing left now to solve is a way to keep my personal message.

Thanks for the tip.

EDIT: Hmm... I have recieved 3 emails about answers to my post, but non of them are here, What's wrong?

EDIT2: Had to remove MSNProxy coz' it screwed up some things here. No DP and no Webcam, both disappeared.
I also had to change the regstring "ResetNameTag" because it added the customtag every time I got logged on/off. When I came home today it looked like this:
<username> {message} {message} {message} {message} {message} {message} {message}
Weird that it should be that hard to do a simple thing :(

RE: I have trouble w my girlfriend - Need a PlugIn by AdamL42 on 10-16-2004 at 04:25 AM

ok dude jus search around here at for a multi msn messenger.sign in appearing offline then jus change your status to away.

RE: I have trouble w my girlfriend - Need a PlugIn by Concord Dawn on 10-16-2004 at 04:27 AM

Use Jrnz Loader from This gives you Sign in Offline and Polygamy support without editing the msnmsgr.exe.

RE: I have trouble w my girlfriend - Need a PlugIn by eckocomplex on 10-16-2004 at 05:59 AM

MessengerDiscovery[.com], lets you sign in with any status and doesn't make you patch or anything illegal :).

Oh and what the hell, you have troubles with your girlfreind because of MSN Messenger :^).

RE: I have trouble w my girlfriend - Need a PlugIn by benjyrama on 10-16-2004 at 08:03 PM

messenger discovery is down to many people as u no, just thinking, cood jrnz loader be able to change its icon to the msn messenger icon so when we open msnmsgr, it would just look like that shortcut, but actually link to jnrz

RE: I have trouble w my girlfriend - Need a PlugIn by BlackStar on 10-17-2004 at 12:18 AM

Hmmm, well I've already tried all those that you suggest here, including MSNshell and none of them can do what i wanna do.

1. Sign me in "Away"
2. Sign me in Away with <myname> {myawaymessage}
3. What #1 and #2 does, PLUS "My Personal status message" to selected users.