
MSN hidden login and multi-accounts logins - Printable Version

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MSN hidden login and multi-accounts logins by garyjl on 10-24-2004 at 10:43 PM

Can the next version of MsgPlus integrate the following features?
1. MSN hidden login: it can set the status as 'appear offline' (or the other selected status) after successful login. user needs to manually set the status to 'online' if he/she decides to publish to the contacts;
2. multi-accounts login: if a user has several MSN accounts, he can login these accounts at the same time, no need to sign-off the current account then login to the other account.

RE: MSN hidden login and multi-accounts logins by banky on 10-24-2004 at 11:12 PM

Originally posted by garyjl
1. MSN hidden login: it can set the status as 'appear offline' (or the other selected status) after successful login. user needs to manually set the status to 'online' if he/she decides to publish to the contacts;

In msn messenger 7.0 they are adding this feature.

Originally posted by garyjl
2. multi-accounts login: if a user has several MSN accounts, he can login these accounts at the same time, no need to sign-off the current account then login to the other account.

goto and look for the polygammy patch or the jnrzloader.
to open mutiple messengers and sign in multiple accounts.
RE: MSN hidden login and multi-accounts logins by CookieRevised on 10-24-2004 at 11:17 PM

Both things require that Messenger needs to be patched. Either in memory (soft patch) or either on disk (hard patch). A hard patch is out of the question. Besides, you can find hard patches for both suggestions on

Soft patches (patching in memory) is possible, but also not done because of some reasons. But as I said, for both suggestions there are perfectly working hard patches.

For the first suggestion there are also Messenger Addons and Messenger Plus! plugins which can do the same...

suggestion 1) Take a look at "CookieRevised's reply to how to sign in on appear offline?".

suggestion 2) Search with "polygamy" to find polygamy patches. And also take a look at "CookieRevised's reply to JnrzLoader".