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Tabs by uisge on 11-09-2004 at 11:26 PM

First, Plus is a great enhancement.  Many Thanks to Patchou and everyone who has helped with it's development and testing. 

In addition to Plus I use t he Tabserv patch to get cutom tabs.  I really like the ability to have frequently accessed web paged, news, tolls, etc available to me in tabs.  I just really hate that the custom tab patch relies on an external server that seems to be down reasonably regularly.

It would be really great if Plus or some plugin for plus allowed custom tabs to be easily configured with a configuration stored locally (like we had before messenger 6.2).  With the current architecture of Messenger and Plus is that even possible?



RE: Tabs by CookieRevised on 11-10-2004 at 03:31 PM

Originally posted by uisge
I just really hate that the custom tab patch relies on an external server...
That's the way MSN Messenger works, nothing can be done to change that.
Originally posted by uisge
...that seems to be down reasonably regularly.
It was only frequently down a few weeks ago because the MSNFanatic servers (where the TabServe Service is located) were being moved. TabServe is almost always online.

Originally posted by uisge
It would be really great if Plus or some plugin for plus allowed custom tabs to be easily configured with a configuration stored locally
Since MSN changed it to an online service, many attemps have been made by people to make it locally again. Nobody succeeded....