
Should i buy Xbox Crystal with Halo2? - Printable Version

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Should i buy Xbox Crystal with Halo2? by paperless on 11-25-2004 at 10:41 PM

Hey people im thinking about buying it with the money i wil probabely receive in christmas do you think its right? Xbox is kinda outdated already but its better than PS2..

And now with HAlo2.. PS2 has no chance.. lol

Do you think its the right thing to do?

Price with 2 controllers and all crystal (much more beautiful :D):

~€200 it is +/- the same in dollars..

Tell me what ya think about it... i heard xbox has a lot of possibilities its like a computer, in fact u can even install software like mp3 reader, windowx xp.. and other software.. so i think its cool...

So if u can install windows u can also install pc games isnt that right?

RE: Should i buy Xbox Crystal with Halo2? by .blade// on 11-25-2004 at 11:11 PM

Originally posted by paperless
Hey people im thinking about buying it with the money i wil probabely receive in christmas do you think its right? Xbox is kinda outdated already but its better than PS2..

And now with HAlo2.. PS2 has no chance.. lol

Do you think its the right thing to do?

Price with 2 controllers and all crystal (much more beautiful :D):

~€200 it is +/- the same in dollars..

Tell me what ya think about it... i heard xbox has a lot of possibilities its like a computer, in fact u can even install software like mp3 reader, windowx xp.. and other software.. so i think its cool...

So if u can install windows u can also install pc games isnt that right?

To install windows you have to hack the xbox, voiding the warranty. If you install windows, you will essentially get a low-end computer, but you need to also install a mouse+keyboard port. If you want a gamming system I suggest you get it and leave it be (no hacking :P).

The crystal Xbox bundle is a good deal if you like the games it has.
RE: Should i buy Xbox Crystal with Halo2? by paperless on 11-25-2004 at 11:55 PM

Yeah i wasnt thinking about windows..

I just discovered that i have to pay mothly for live is that true if so.. im out..

RE: Should i buy Xbox Crystal with Halo2? by .blade// on 11-25-2004 at 11:59 PM

Originally posted by paperless
Yeah i wasnt thinking about windows..

I just discovered that i have to pay mothly for live is that true if so.. im out..

Sort of.
There's a $60 USD YEARLY fee for Xbox LIVE, and you need a Credit Card # for 'age verfication' to get on, but the LIVE service is MUCH better than PS2 online. Almost every game supports voice chat (instant) and games are 99% lagless. Services are a lot more ellaborate so they have to charge money to survive :P
RE: Should i buy Xbox Crystal with Halo2? by c00ly on 11-26-2004 at 12:04 AM

200 Euro is a rip-off

I got my xbox new for $130 CDN about 147.18 Euro, it came with halo and amped (2 or 3 years ago), plus halo 2 limited edition for $75 CDN or 47.99 Euro, for a grand total of 195.97 Euro, now the halo 2 was bought just now and the system package like I said was bought a 2 or 3 years ago, xbox (with amped and top-spin) is now $219.99 CDN or 140.78 Euros here added to make a grand total of 188.77 Euros thats 2 games more and 11.33 Euros less. And it probably comes with the regular edition $60 CDN, 38.40 Euro, 179.18- grand Euro total to bring us to a savings of 20.18 Euros :)


RE: Should i buy Xbox Crystal with Halo2? by paperless on 11-26-2004 at 12:09 AM

Bah i quit xbox..
Im gonna use the money for something more useful then.. like.. hum...let me see...idk..

RE: Should i buy Xbox Crystal with Halo2? by user27089 on 11-26-2004 at 08:12 AM

Buy a xbox with Halo 2 definitely, if its costs €200 then its because its limited edition, limited editions will always cost more, XBOX crystal look good, but are no different, so why not just buy a normal xbox cheaper? Its up to you, but it would be a good decision to buy a xbox.. you won't regret it :), and I'm not just saying that because I have one, its merely the most powerful console around, most of its games are awesome, they load faster, and they have amazing graphics...


RE: Should i buy Xbox Crystal with Halo2? by user35870 on 11-26-2004 at 03:48 PM

Originally posted by traxor
hey load faster, and they have amazing graphics...

thats true i used to have the old black ps2 and it took ages to load and graphics were not the best

Xbox is the best :)
RE: Should i buy Xbox Crystal with Halo2? by paperless on 11-26-2004 at 05:00 PM

Yeah but cmon i wanna play online i dont want to pay for that..

RE: Should i buy Xbox Crystal with Halo2? by user27089 on 11-26-2004 at 05:02 PM

Originally posted by paperless
Yeah but cmon i wanna play online i dont want to pay for that..

You don't have to pay for the first twelve months, after that its something like €40 a year, good thing is though, sometimes you buy some games that come with a free subscription for say 3 months, so far, I've had:

Halo 2: 3 months free
Demo Disc: 2 Months Free
XBOX Live: 12 Months free...

Its good stuff that you find around ;)
RE: Should i buy Xbox Crystal with Halo2? by The Napster on 11-26-2004 at 05:10 PM

You have to pay for PS2 online gaming too, its only PC where its free. I would get a Normal Xbox if you want it cheaper. Damn, i need to get halo 2, havent had a chance to drive like 1-2 Hours to the nearest media mart :P .

RE: Should i buy Xbox Crystal with Halo2? by CookieRevised on 11-26-2004 at 05:52 PM

btw, PS2 isn't forgotten at all. Don't forget that there are far more PS2 games around and far more users of PS2 then Xbox. Yes, Halo 2 will have some people changing to xbox, but still. Also, then new GTA (for PS2) is due to be released and in terms of users, this will be very close (if not more) then Halo 2 on xbox. So don't write of PS2, just because Halo 2 is the current hype!

Also, both consoles have reached there point where the graphics can't be improved anymore some time ago. And tbh, the Halo 2 graphics aren't that of a big "wow" in console gaming industry. In fact, graphic-engine-wise, there is nothing that has been improved significantly since Halo 1.

You want to game online for as little as possible money? you want the best graphics? You want the best compatibility/upgrade possibilities? Stick to your PC then, and invest your money in some more memory or better graphics card...


PS: also, when Halo 2 for the PC hit the stores, you'll see all kind of (free) mods also. Something which can't be done on an Xbox. Also graphics-wise, there are more possebilities with PC graphics then their are on an Xbox, so I wouldn't be surprised if the PC-version will look even better then the xbox version.

RE: Should i buy Xbox Crystal with Halo2? by user35870 on 11-26-2004 at 05:59 PM

will  halo 2 never be made for ps2?

RE: Should i buy Xbox Crystal with Halo2? by CookieRevised on 11-26-2004 at 06:03 PM

Originally posted by chris100
will  halo 2 never be made for ps2?
I highly doubt that. First of all, Halo 1 isn't even available for PS2. Second of all, Bungie is very tight in with Microsoft (which made the Xbox) and it is like asking to make a MS Windows for a Mac. Or better to understand: Making Messenger Plus! for Yahoo Chat.
RE: Should i buy Xbox Crystal with Halo2? by user35870 on 11-26-2004 at 06:06 PM

Though so lol thanks :)

RE: Should i buy Xbox Crystal with Halo2? by user27089 on 11-26-2004 at 06:09 PM

Plus!, the graphics would be absolutely rubbish and it would have a loooot of lag, and/or about 10 discs! lol

Originally posted by CookieRevised
btw, PS2 isn't forgotten at all. Don't forget that there are far more PS2 games around and far more users of PS2 then Xbox. Yes, Halo 2 will have some people changing to xbox, but still. Also, then new GTA (for PS2) is due to be released and in terms of users, this will be very close (if not more) then Halo 2 on xbox. So don't write of PS2, just because Halo 2 is the current hype!
Its not forgotten, and there are more upcoming games on xbox than the ps2!!

Halo 2 is great, but there are more games than that, gta san andreas on ps2, wooooow, big deal, its crap graphics, wait until January for the Xbox release :p

RE: Should i buy Xbox Crystal with Halo2? by Pipish on 11-27-2004 at 07:40 AM

Can i just say you would be a fool not to

RE: Should i buy Xbox Crystal with Halo2? by CookieRevised on 11-27-2004 at 04:23 PM

Originally posted by traxor
Halo 2 is great, but there are more games than that, gta san andreas on ps2, wooooow, big deal, its crap graphics
Look at other games, eg: Kill Zone, you'll see that the graphics are just as good on the PS2 as Halo 2 on the Xbox..... GTA isn't made to be photo realistic, it is in the first place made for the gameplay.

The whole point is that PS2 and Xbox are very equal consoles. And just because Halo 2 is the current hype (note: "current", meaning it will blow over) doesn't mean that PS2 is crap and to be written of.

People who want to buy an Xbox atm, are 99% influenced by the Halo 2 crazyness, nothing more.
RE: Should i buy Xbox Crystal with Halo2? by .blade// on 11-27-2004 at 04:55 PM

Originally posted by CookieRevised
Originally posted by chris100
will  halo 2 never be made for ps2?
I highly doubt that. First of all, Halo 1 isn't even available for PS2. Second of all, Bungie is very tight in with Microsoft (which made the Xbox) and it is like asking to make a MS Windows for a Mac. Or better to understand: Making Messenger Plus! for Yahoo Chat.

Actually, Microsoft OWNS Bungie now :P
RE: Should i buy Xbox Crystal with Halo2? by user27089 on 11-27-2004 at 06:02 PM

Originally posted by CookieRevised
e who want to buy an Xbox atm, are 99% influenced by the Halo 2 crazyness, nothing more.

So what drove them to buy it previously?

RE: Should i buy Xbox Crystal with Halo2? by paperless on 11-27-2004 at 07:47 PM

Welll the only reason why i dont buy a new gfx card or whatsoever isd because my compuetr is getting an ancient shitty metal dust.

I will only start buying new things fr a computer when i get a new one upgrading this one doesnt matter anymore...

My computer is an oldy 1400 Mhz 256 MB ram ATI Radeon 9000 Pro 64 MB 40 GB + 80 GB Hard Drives = 120GB...

Do you really think i should waste money upgrading it? if i change motherboard ill have t change memory hard drives, processor...... the only thing i can change is gfx card but what for if the porcessor sucks like hell...

RE: Should i buy Xbox Crystal with Halo2? by .Roy on 11-27-2004 at 07:58 PM

Originally posted by paperless
Welll the only reason why i dont buy a new gfx card or whatsoever isd because my compuetr is getting an ancient shitty metal dust.

I will only start buying new things fr a computer when i get a new one upgrading this one doesnt matter anymore...

My computer is an oldy 1400 Mhz 256 MB ram ATI Radeon 9000 Pro 64 MB 40 GB + 80 GB Hard Drives = 120GB...

Do you really think i should waste money upgrading it? if i change motherboard ill have t change memory hard drives, processor...... the only thing i can change is gfx card but what for if the porcessor sucks like hell...

Well it depends.. If you want to spend some money just to make something not so good better.. But it still sux.. Ugh. for example taking a pile of crap and spraying it with 8000 cans of air freshener but it will always be and smell like crap..

I suggest you just save up and get a new computer cuz u cant upgrade the one you already have that much.. You will need to get a  new proccesor and get it up to date.. Now there is over 3 ghz which is more then twice of your speed, and you can also get a gig of ram which is like 4 times your speed :-P

But it also depends what you need it for.. If you want to be able to play games then you need to switch computers :-P