
Hey Dude! Where's My Display Picture? - Printable Version

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Hey Dude! Where's My Display Picture? by bellastellaaa on 11-26-2004 at 10:56 AM

[font=Courier][size=1][color=blue][][i]Just updated my beloved messenger plus an opened up chat window to change my display picture ...only to find there isn't any picture display box option here!!?? what the... can someone please tell me why, because it's all about expressing ourselves way far better isn't it, ...and yet I can still see the display picture of I like girls hehehe who is not using this version of plus I presume, because he (sorry alternative girls) IS able to display a picture, damn it!    Looking forward to resolving this situation, even if it means downgrading to a different version.  Ciao y'all and continue to be winners.

RE: Hey Dude! Where's My Display Picture? by CookieRevised on 11-26-2004 at 11:23 AM

1) Wrong forum
2) Do not double post
3) Do not post unneeded spam
4) Close the format tags if you use them
5) Don't use such a textformat as you attempted to use
6) What has that attachment to do with your post?
7) What has the poll to do with your post?
8) Do not post webcam pictures on the net without the permission of that person on the picture
9) When you report a bug, always state the full versionnumbers of the software you use (MSN Messenger version and Messenger Plus! version)

10) Messenger Plus! has nothing to do with the Display Pictures!
11) In MSN Messenger enable: Tools > Options > Personal > Show my display picture
12) In MSN Messenger enable: Tools > Options > Personal > Show display picture from others

RE: Hey Dude! Where's My Display Picture? by RaceProUK on 11-26-2004 at 02:49 PM

13) It pays to look around before throwing in the towel. That's how I solve the majority of problems I come across.

RE: Hey Dude! Where's My Display Picture? by bellastellaaa on 11-26-2004 at 03:17 PM

hi, i absolutely luv your little people doin' their 'off with his head' routine, great stuff. But what is comment #13 supposed to mean?
she said.

reply to #'s 1-12 were sent via private email, from memory the only point taken, was that the photo is of me and yes I did actually ask and get permission to post it.
Have fun and continue to be a winner from NSW Australia, God's own country! yo baby, yo baby yo yo yo.

RE: Hey Dude! Where's My Display Picture? by CookieRevised on 11-26-2004 at 03:25 PM

It means that before posting a question/bug report/etc. it is always a good thing to first take a look at the settings of the program you're using. In this case it would be the settings of MSN Messenger....

So, is your problem fixed?

RE: Hey Dude! Where's My Display Picture? by bellastellaaa on 11-27-2004 at 10:17 AM

just a short post to let you guys know that Bingo Bango mission is complete, and that yes, you were really right to say all that stuff except for point #8: something about not posting webcam photos without asking myself for my permission first...  well, anyway thanks for taking the time to shower me with your words of sweetness and have a nice day or evening. Please accept as my way of saying thanks, picture 345 attatched for your eyes only.