
Huuf's Skin Tool Help PLZ - Printable Version

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Huuf's Skin Tool Help PLZ by M03m0mo on 11-28-2004 at 05:40 AM

i dont know how too make the skin thingy work i chnged all the pictures and stuff too my liking but do not know how to make my skin a reality

somone plz help me!

RE: Huuf's Skin Tool Help PLZ by andrey on 11-28-2004 at 02:23 PM

the skin tool is probably not compatible with the latest MSN Messenger was added to at 3/28/04...quite a while without updates.
Maybe Huuf sees this thread and decides to update it..let's see ;)

RE: Huuf's Skin Tool Help PLZ by aNILEator on 11-28-2004 at 08:21 PM

you obviously don't go to the skinning forums much

He has been working on a new skin tool with drag 'n' drop, UIFILE handling + testing

i think its already in private testing stages

RE: Huuf's Skin Tool Help PLZ by CookieRevised on 11-29-2004 at 01:34 AM

AFAIK, the new version is long from being released, but the old one works very nicely (with the proper msn versions). The new one will be based upon .NET framework though.

Anyways, go to the home of the skinners for more: