
Whats Better? Visual Basic, Delphi or C++? - Printable Version

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Whats Better? Visual Basic, Delphi or C++? by DJeX on 12-30-2004 at 06:27 AM

I'm getting lost in all these programming languages. I was wondering what is better Delphi or C++? and how different is Delphi form the other coding languages?

RE: Whats Better? Visual Basic, Delphi or C++? by Ardv4rk on 12-30-2004 at 07:04 AM

I would go with Delphi..and that is an evil, evil flash signature you have.

RE: Whats Better? Visual Basic, Delphi or C++? by Ash_ on 12-30-2004 at 07:04 AM

Its a negative for Visual Basic.

out of Delphi or C++, i reckon its just whatever you like.
i've never seen any programs (that i know of ) or any source code for Delphi. but  C++ seems like the way everyone is going these days.

lol 16 bit Assembly (:P) is the way to go tho :P

RE: Whats Better? Visual Basic, Delphi or C++? by DJeX on 12-30-2004 at 08:02 AM

Ardv4rk I don't have a flash signature.

Thanks Ash.

RE: Whats Better? Visual Basic, Delphi or C++? by RaceProUK on 12-30-2004 at 10:45 AM

Ash_, you're right in thinking that C++ is very popular. In fact, it has been more or less since it was invented back in the 70s.
As for how good it is compared to Delphi, well that's just personal choice.

RE: Whats Better? Visual Basic, Delphi or C++? by Anubis on 12-30-2004 at 10:49 AM

I may be the odd one out, but I found VB was a good language to pick up quickly and understand the way programming works, even if you don't use it that much, it's a good way to understand all the terms quickly...

RE: Whats Better? Visual Basic, Delphi or C++? by Ash_ on 12-30-2004 at 11:23 AM

yeh ok, it might be good for a few features. but creating windows is way to easy when converting to another language people will definately not understand about Registering Classes and such.

also people will need to learn how to take the long way round for most things when converting rather than in vb (right click -> add -> form or whatever)

another example is creating and saving files.


open "C:/blah.txt" for output as 1
Print #1, "sick"
"Write #1, "im n00bie"
Close #1

the only way i can do it in C++ and ASM is using CreateFile and WriteFile api calls. if theres an easy macro include or something can someone please tell me :P

anyway the only real thing i use for vb now is quick programs to test if an idea is possible. then if it is ill translate to probly Assembly.

anyways thats my opinion, i used to be a big fan of the ol' vb but then i joined this forum :dodgy: :P

RE: Whats Better? Visual Basic, Delphi or C++? by Millenium_edition on 12-30-2004 at 01:51 PM

VB is a good language to learn how everything works, to learn basic API calls. I think everyone disses it because it's too easy for the things you can actually do with it.
c++ is VB, but expanded and with more liberty.

i have never used delphi.

RE: Whats Better? Visual Basic, Delphi or C++? by Stigmata on 12-30-2004 at 05:27 PM

im a vb programmer and learning c++

and ive got to admit vb seems the easy way out :)

with c++ your have to do the right caps etc...


Msgbox "Messengerbox text", "Message box Title"

MessageBox ("Message Box Text, "Message Box Title", 0)

(still dont know why u put the 0 there...)

only problem i have with vb is that you cannot subclass other windows :( cept your own
RE: Whats Better? Visual Basic, Delphi or C++? by CookieRevised on 12-30-2004 at 06:14 PM

Originally posted by Stigmata
(still dont know why u put the 0 there...)
that defines what kind of messagebox you want. Just the same as in VB...

There is not something like "what's best". It depends on what you want and on what you comfortable with. You can't compare C++ with VB or something. Both are very different languages and both have their advantages and disadvantages. If you want to compare then compare within the same class, like compare C++ with other C++ variants. Or compare VB with other Basics....

For the beginner VB is quite easy to learn and you wont get lost as fast as in C++. VB is also much easier to understand (and thus to learn how to program). C++ is better for advanced programs as C++ is a lower level language and thus you can do more advanced stuff with it. But don't get me wrong, you can do a lot in VB as well and for most people and programs VB is quite sufficient...
RE: Whats Better? Visual Basic, Delphi or C++? by Purity on 12-30-2004 at 06:24 PM

hmmm... I started at learning Qbasic( :dodgy: )I think its best if u want to get kind of familiar with programming, your should start off with Qbasic--->Visual Basic---->C and C++ or Delphi.  but I think C++ is a better language, its wat windows is programmed in, maybe try learning C Sharp. ;)

Yes Vb is a cheap easy way but C++ can do alot more than VB.  Like cookie said it depends on what you are comfortable with,  lots of people are comfortable with VB b/c its easy. (costs lots of money), and lots of a experts are comfortable with C++ because you can do more things with it.  but still VB is stilla a good programming language...(can be dodgy sometimes, but still a good language.:)  :)

Home with info helps in n e way.

RE: Whats Better? Visual Basic, Delphi or C++? by Mattwood9 on 12-30-2004 at 06:40 PM


Visual Basic is poor =)) but very easy, the C/C++ is a very good language but the best of all language is Win32 Assembly :P with MASM =)

With the Macro it isn't very difficult

RE: Whats Better? Visual Basic, Delphi or C++? by RaceProUK on 12-30-2004 at 11:02 PM

I must agree with all the above: VB is great for the absolute beginner. But, before too long, you crave some real power, which is when you switch to C-family languages like C++ and Java, or others like Delphi.
For the sadisticelitist among you, ASM is the way to go.