
why da heck someone removes my posts? - Printable Version

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why da heck someone removes my posts? by Fredzz on 01-09-2005 at 01:47 PM

why da heck are my posts being removed??:@
now i go to the msn 8 skin thread and i have no posts there, but there is still a quote from me in there.. wtf?:@

RE: why da heck someone removes my posts? by Plik on 01-09-2005 at 01:53 PM

They got split here

RE: why da heck someone removes my posts? by Anubis on 01-09-2005 at 01:56 PM

They haven't been deleted, they've been split to
Simply because if you actually took the time to read the thread you'd understand why you were wrong...
Also you were saying utter crap, like

Originally posted by Fredzz
Rule Nr 352 from Msg Plus! Bible:
-Never instal Msn Messenger 8.0 Alpha Skins!!

Its there!!! read it!!! ^o)

1) It's not funny
2) No evidence, it's just something you've said to make yourself look smart...
RE: why da heck someone removes my posts? by Fredzz on 01-09-2005 at 02:03 PM

anubis chill, i was right anyway 8-)

RE: why da heck someone removes my posts? by Anubis on 01-09-2005 at 02:08 PM

Originally posted by Fredzz
i was right anyway
Yeah, you were stateing correct facts, just that issue had already been cleared up :p
Without you needing to say useless stuff...about things you obviously didn't read...
RE: why da heck someone removes my posts? by Fredzz on 01-09-2005 at 02:13 PM

ok ok you're right GOD ANUBIS.. :worship: (lol).. i better not answer anymore here seeing that we're not in Test and trashing, or you will start saying im spaming with useless posts on a thread that has nothing to do already with the start topic and nothing to do already with Forum and website.. blablabla :P(H)