
on msn v7 beta wen u...... - Printable Version

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on msn v7 beta wen u...... by kasim on 01-09-2005 at 08:35 PM

.....wen u sign in, wel b4 u sign, it gives u the usual statases to sign as (eg: 'appear offline/away etc etc). i juat wanna know if wen u sign as a particular status, lets say 'appear offline', will that show my contacts that i have signed in and then appear offline, or will it not show me signed at all ????   anndddddd r ther any plugins that would allow me to sign in as 'appear offline' without my contacts seeing that i have signed in ?????  any1 know ??????   ;)

RE: on msn v7 beta wen u...... by John Anderton on 01-09-2005 at 08:38 PM

Actually search the forum. I think its been asked :dodgy: Without any plugin No.
But i can say anything about any plugin cause there are so many of them :)

RE: on msn v7 beta wen u...... by Choli on 01-09-2005 at 08:43 PM

if you sign in as apperar offline, your contacts won't know you've just signed in. No toast window will be shown to them. If you sign in as any of the other status, a the "xxx has just signed in" window will be shown to your contacts, and you'll appear as being in the status you've selected. No first online and after away, or busy, etc...

RE: on msn v7 beta wen u...... by L. Coyote on 01-09-2005 at 08:44 PM

Originally posted by kasim
.....wen u sign in, wel b4 u sign, it gives u the usual statases to sign as (eg: 'appear offline/away etc etc). i juat wanna know if wen u sign as a particular status, lets say 'appear offline', will that show my contacts that i have signed in and then appear offline, or will it not show me signed at all ????   anndddddd r ther any plugins that would allow me to sign in as 'appear offline' without my contacts seeing that i have signed in ?????  any1 know ??????   ;)
The first question: No, they won't see you until you change your status. From Appear Offline to another status.

To the second question: There's a stand-alone program that loads your MSN Messenger. It allows Polygamy and Sign In as Appear Offline. Search the forums. I forgot the name but I think it was Jzn Loader (not sure about the Jzn part, though).