
Help!It says MSGPlus is installing adware! - Printable Version

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Help!It says MSGPlus is installing adware! by Laharl on 01-15-2005 at 12:38 PM

Help! me i just was installing MsgPlus for msn messenger 7.420
and my Anti spyware says :"Warning,Messenger Plus! Adware bundler is trying to install!"

"Microsoft AntiSpyware has detected the threat Messenger Plus! trying to install a Startup Registry Entry on your computer. If you would like to allow Messenger Plus! to install the Startup Registry Entry click the 'Allow' button below."

the threat level is high! is this good or bad cause i'm not sure Patchou can you tell me what's wrong or if this is supposed to happen?

RE: Help!It says MSGPlus is installing adware! by Sunshine on 01-15-2005 at 12:42 PM

If you choose NO on the sponsoragreement Plus! won't install adware (sponsor).

There are lots of threads about Microsoft Antispyware have a look at the threads in this post.