
==| Help No MSN Sound |== - Printable Version

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==| Help No MSN Sound |== by Trunkz_Jr on 03-12-2005 at 02:09 PM

i've totally lost my MSN sound, yet i can play music, games, even AIM and ICQ sounds work find, yet i have no MSN Sounds period, i've checked the options and the Option is ticked meaning it should work, and i've tried uninstalling it then reinstalling it and nothing, im using Windows 2000 and im using MSN 7.0 (i also tried 6.2 and still no sound, i also tried another MSN account and still no sound)

Could someone please help me?

RE: ==| Help No MSN Sound |== by user27089 on 03-12-2005 at 02:11 PM

try and see if the sounds are still there, what i mean by this is go to Personal Settings > Alerts and Sounds > Sounds... and see if all of the msn sounds are still there, if not, then try and find them manually :-/.

RE: ==| Help No MSN Sound |== by toddy on 03-12-2005 at 02:15 PM

tools > options > general > sounds... > sounds(tab at top)

then check that windows default is selected. if it is select then scrolll down the list to u get to "MSN messenger" click on "new message" then click on the play icon. if the sound plays click ok. and u shouldn't have a problem. if it doesn't play a box yshould come up and ask u to find where the sound is. u need to locate to C:/program files/msn messenger

RE: ==| Help No MSN Sound |== by Trunkz_Jr on 03-12-2005 at 02:27 PM

yep, ive already tried that, i've played them all, all the sounds work in there, all those sounds:

Contact Online, New Alert, New Mail, New Mobile Message, Nudge.

i click ok and i got someone to message me and still no sound (you know the "Do Do Do" sound lol.

RE: ==| Help No MSN Sound |== by Sunshine on 03-12-2005 at 02:53 PM

Make sure you enabled it, tools > alerts and sounds..check "play a sound...". If that is already set and it still doesn't work: uninstall MSN, reboot..remove all folders pointing towards MSN Messenger and reinstall MSN Messenger.

RE: ==| Help No MSN Sound |== by Trunkz_Jr on 03-12-2005 at 09:54 PM

hmmm, i just relized this could be a bigger then what it is, i also have like you know that recycle bin sound when you empty it and it goes crumble crumble crumble lol, well when i do it, it goes "Beep" even with the sound all the way down, and i have no login sound (this didn't just happen tho, i just relized this since i really don't delete alot of things or Reboot computer)

i also remember with msn plus, when i tried to set a sound for when somecome logs in (i have it so it plays part of a song) well when i tried to use .mp3 it said "cannot use this type, please reinstall the latest windows media player" and i did that and nothing happened, it still gave me that message.  but when i used .wav it did play, but it would freeze MSN (but when someone logged it, it would sometimes work, but it would only play 10 seconds, even after using that Patch to make it into 100 seconds max time.

Any ideas?

RE: ==| Help No MSN Sound |== by Sunshine on 03-12-2005 at 11:01 PM

Sounds like you might have to reinstall Windows, as the other sounds don't work either. You could try install Windows Media Player 9, but i don't think that will solve other windows sound issues.

RE: ==| Help No MSN Sound |== by Trunkz_Jr on 03-13-2005 at 12:04 AM

is there any other way to fix the problem  lol cause i don't wanna lose all my stuff on my computer just to fix a few sounds ^_^ maybe my sound card or something could be it?