
Custom Names and Webmessenger (MsgPlus 3.50.124) - Printable Version

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Custom Names and Webmessenger (MsgPlus 3.50.124) by gcruchon on 03-17-2005 at 04:33 PM


I did not found a similar "bug" in this forum, so I'm submitting it. Sorry if this has already been posted.

I have a strange bug : I've defined a custom name for a contact who is logged on Messenger via Web Messenger client.

In the chat window, the string after "A:" (or "To:" in english) should be the custom name, however, it is just : "{email adresse} (web)", instead of "User_Current_Name [aka User_Custom_Name (User_Email)]".
[Image: custom_name_bug_1.jpg]

However, in the contact list, the name is perfectly customed :
[Image: custom_name_bug_2.jpg]

Here is my configuration:
Windows XP SP2
MSN Messenger 6.2.0205
MsgPlus 3.50.124
"CustNameAttachTagFmt" registry string added : "(!N) [aka %s ((!M))]"
(however, the bug occur without the registry modification).

So tell me if this is a bug or the normal behaviour of the application.

Thanks for the reading.

RE: Custom Names and Webmessenger (MsgPlus 3.50.124) by Patchou on 03-17-2005 at 07:38 PM

Thank you for the bug report, this will befixed in the net version.