Livejournal backgrounds - Printable Version
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Livejournal backgrounds by vincerooney on 04-01-2005 at 11:00 PM
I have a livejournal and i hate the backgrounds and designs for it. Whenever i put pictures on the background they get weirdly squashed so i have to take them off. The designs for the journals also make me angry and bitter because they suck more than a common hooker at a local bus stop late at night.
I thought everyone on a free livejournal suffered this torment of having awful livejournal designs. But then i saw this
and it looks nice...much nicer than mine. and its got a picture of her as a background and links...and COLOUR. It looks presentable. But yet ive never seen the design shes got up as an available one (and trust me ive tried to find a nice design for ages)
So basically my request here is for advice on how to edit livejournal designs (change where the boxes are, add colour, move things about a bit more), adding pictures and backgrounds. And basically making things look a lot more pleasing. An idiots guide to livejournals really.
As my current one sucks
So if anyone can help. It'd be appreciated....i really like writing b/s on the net without having the hassle of maintaining a website. thats why livejournal rules
RE: Livejournal backgrounds by wj on 04-01-2005 at 11:45 PM
You need to setup a style override (can be done with a free account)... I cant remember how right off the top of my head but it involved setting up a CSS Class for body with a background-image in it.
RE: Livejournal backgrounds by vincerooney on 04-02-2005 at 12:16 AM
Hmm if anyone knows how to set up a style over ride then please tell me...andx because im a n00b a sort of step by step guide to doing so and editing it...