
Encrypted Chat Logs - Printable Version

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Encrypted Chat Logs by dagunslinger on 04-04-2005 at 12:44 AM

Hello, I am using MSN Messenger 7 (Beta) and Messenger Plus 3! And I have activated the encrypted chat logs. The password works for all of the chatlogs except for one person, and I have no idea why! It comes up with the error --  "wrong password or corrupted file."  Any idea what I can do about this? Any way to cut around it? The password works for every other person's chat log.

Help would be appreciated!

RE: Encrypted Chat Logs by albert on 04-04-2005 at 12:46 AM

hum I guess if it works with all other persons then the log is wrong, maybe it couldn't get saved or anything..

Do you ever have problems chatting with this person?

RE: Encrypted Chat Logs by absorbation on 04-05-2005 at 12:58 PM

Unless you changed, your password once and only had the password activated with that one person. (Which I seriously doubt). I think the file is corrupted and I do not think there is anyway around that sorry. :(