
Hotmail still 2MB!!!!!!! - Printable Version

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Hotmail still 2MB!!!!!!! by alegator on 04-10-2005 at 06:50 AM

When will Hotmail upgrade the inbox capacity? My accounts still show 2MB capacity when 1Gb is the minimum standard nowadays!

RE: Hotmail still 2MB!!!!!!! by expert on 04-10-2005 at 06:53 AM

you go on hot maill you'll get a pop up saying we will provide you with 25 mb's until a month and in a month you magicly have 250 mb's:dodgy:

RE: Hotmail still 2MB!!!!!!! by Chestah on 04-10-2005 at 07:06 AM

Hotmail's system of updating accounts is really strange. If you make a new account it should instantly be 1gig not 2meg depending on your location or bay. Anyways Gmail is ALOT better in every way if you'd like an account PM me :)

RE: Hotmail still 2MB!!!!!!! by alegator on 04-10-2005 at 07:17 AM

Chestah, thanks, I do have a Gmail account, but IMO Yahoo webmail is much better so far...

RE: Hotmail still 2MB!!!!!!! by Chestah on 04-10-2005 at 07:26 AM

why even bother about hotmail :P, IMO gmail is the best :refuck: ;)

RE: Hotmail still 2MB!!!!!!! by alegator on 04-10-2005 at 08:26 AM

Because I still love my 2MB at Hotmail!

RE: Hotmail still 2MB!!!!!!! by squall_leonhart69r on 04-12-2005 at 01:00 AM

my hotmail has been 250mgs for months now

i would suggest emailing msn coz the 250 updates were sposed to be fnished by now

RE: Hotmail still 2MB!!!!!!! by Hank on 04-12-2005 at 01:47 AM

HOTMAIL  sUx0rs, go with yahoo or Gmail

RE: Hotmail still 2MB!!!!!!! by YottabyteWizard on 04-13-2005 at 06:22 AM

Here are the stadistics: Hotmail provdes 2MB normally (except if you use the 25MBs cheat) and many other people have 250MBs (im stuck with 25 i think...) Yahoo! Email currently provides 250MBs of storage, while GMAIL provides 2088MBs (2.04 GBs) and still increasing.... no one can stop GMAIL!! :banana: :fire:... The only usefull thing of hotmail right now is MSN Messenger, because the E-MAIL sucks, all the other e-mail hosts are better =) :wave: