Plugin Request - Hyperlinked Nicknames. - Printable Version -Shoutbox ( +-- Forum: MsgHelp Archive (/forumdisplay.php?fid=58) +--- Forum: Messenger Plus! for Live Messenger (/forumdisplay.php?fid=4) +---- Forum: Scripting (/forumdisplay.php?fid=39) +----- Forum: Plug-Ins (/forumdisplay.php?fid=28) +------ Thread: Plugin Request - Hyperlinked Nicknames. (/showthread.php?tid=43013) Plugin Request - Hyperlinked Nicknames. by stuartbennett on 04-17-2005 at 10:11 AM
ok currently my nickname is "[LAVA] DemonSlayer TD @ WIN A PSP:" now then what i personally hate more than anything else is seeing website address's that look like that messenger plus competitioon addy in my nicname, what would be nicer if it is at all possible is if my nickname could look like thise. RE: Plugin Request - Hyperlinked Nicknames. by TheGeek on 04-17-2005 at 10:19 AM
Almoust impossible if you ask me. RE: Plugin Request - Hyperlinked Nicknames. by John Anderton on 04-17-2005 at 10:32 AM You can only put links like u already have .... that too its only a link when u enable that option via stuffplug i think RE: Plugin Request - Hyperlinked Nicknames. by (CyBeRDuDe) on 04-17-2005 at 12:46 PM Would be a big security breach if this was possible.. So don't think so... RE: Plugin Request - Hyperlinked Nicknames. by Stigmata on 04-17-2005 at 12:53 PM
Stuffplug ng RE: Plugin Request - Hyperlinked Nicknames. by Millenium_edition on 04-17-2005 at 12:54 PM
quote:did you even read what he said? he didn't mean that, he meant to be able to do it à la AOL. RE: Plugin Request - Hyperlinked Nicknames. by Stigmata on 04-17-2005 at 12:55 PM
quote: No you cant RE: Plugin Request - Hyperlinked Nicknames. by stuartbennett on 04-17-2005 at 03:16 PM damn thats a real shame. it would have been one hell of a cool feature if you could have. RE: Plugin Request - Hyperlinked Nicknames. by Stigmata on 04-17-2005 at 03:19 PM easy for virus makers.. RE: Plugin Request - Hyperlinked Nicknames. by riahc4 on 04-17-2005 at 03:44 PM
Could be done..........but a yellow mouse hover button over the link would have to show the exact address that it points to. RE: Plugin Request - Hyperlinked Nicknames. by Concord Dawn on 04-17-2005 at 04:07 PM Not possible afaik. RE: Plugin Request - Hyperlinked Nicknames. by riahc4 on 04-26-2005 at 08:53 PM
Accually Ive given it thought and IT is possible.... RE: RE: Plugin Request - Hyperlinked Nicknames. by stuartbennett on 04-26-2005 at 09:09 PM
quote: cool so you reckon it can be done? great let me know if you ever make that plugin ill definately download it. RE: Plugin Request - Hyperlinked Nicknames. by riahc4 on 04-26-2005 at 09:53 PM
quote: Personally I have no programming knowledge. I am going to start next year on a 3 year course about programming but I have no idea. I just know the names of languages, what a API is but thats about it... I would like to start NOW but I have no idea where to start... RE: Plugin Request - Hyperlinked Nicknames. by mwe99 on 04-26-2005 at 10:05 PM Isn't this kinda dangerous though? If it was used and you clicked someones name, it would take you to the hyperlink of say a virus download site RE: Plugin Request - Hyperlinked Nicknames. by MoRiA on 04-26-2005 at 10:29 PM
Guess what? If someone sent you a link and you clicked on it, and it was a virus you would be asked if you wanted to download a virus!! WOW!! RE: RE: Plugin Request - Hyperlinked Nicknames. by stuartbennett on 04-27-2005 at 05:58 AM
quote: exactly. RE: Plugin Request - Hyperlinked Nicknames. by (CyBeRDuDe) on 04-27-2005 at 06:40 AM Then why the !#"%¤#"%¤#"%¤ does so many people get the "check this out!" .pif viruses??????? And those are even not disgused real good... You see the direct links to the file.. If you did it this way, the people would have no clue of whatever they were pressing... If people are stupid enough to open the .pif viruses spread around, then surely there would be at least twice as many stupid enough to open viruses distrubuted this way!... This is just a huge security risk!!.. There are to many stupid and ignorant people out there.. But I would like to say that this idea is good and great, but I don't think it should be made!... RE: RE: Plugin Request - Hyperlinked Nicknames. by stuartbennett on 04-27-2005 at 07:36 AM
quote: well firstly microsoft have a built in part of messenger 7.0 that prevent's the transfer of these files in the first place and yes i know that if the sender has the unblocker in stuffplug then stupid people can still receive them. so in addition to this plugin maybe patchou can add a feature into messenger plus that enables US to select with tick boxes what type of files we want to accept in file transfers if the pif files box isn't ticked which if done right patchou could make sure its not by default then they can't receive these viruses. and anyone stupid enough to tick that box deserves to get a virus. RE: Plugin Request - Hyperlinked Nicknames. by CookieRevised on 04-27-2005 at 01:33 PM
quote:No it can't. The "What I'm listening to" is another type of object ("linkname" object) then the screennames (which are plain text objects). quote:Which firstly causes more troubles then doing anything good. And secondly isn't by no means a protection against other malicious stuff which can happen when hotlinking stuff without knowing what you click. Thirdly, has nothing to do with this... --- Because of the security reasons said in this thread such a think will not be made in Messenger itself and neither in Messenger Plus!. The only "solution" would be a plugin, but as riahc4 pointed out, both you and your contact would need it. RE: Plugin Request - Hyperlinked Nicknames. by riahc4 on 05-04-2005 at 04:01 PM
quote:Could you explain this over again? Wouldnt there be a way, like i said, to emulate that "linkname" object so it can show a text and it could go to a different website other than I think it would be fairly simple (then again I know nothing) quote:I accually said that it WOULDNT be needed because its just changing where the link goes and where MSN Messenger gets the (blue) "text" from (the plugin's dialog) RE: RE: Plugin Request - Hyperlinked Nicknames. by CookieRevised on 05-05-2005 at 03:08 AM
quote:The personal message is a totaly different object then names in chat conversations and contactlist. To put it extremely simple the persional messages have 2 kinds of data: the text shown, and the underlying link (compare it to an html link on a site). Text can only have 1 data: the text itself. And you can not go changing all the text-objects in some other "multi-data objects" just like that. quote:It is totaly impossible to change how your contact's messenger behaves, hence you both will need the plugin to interpret the special constructed nicknames (just as you both need Messenger Plus! to view the special constructed colorcodes and formats in nicknames) RE: Plugin Request - Hyperlinked Nicknames. by Menthix on 05-05-2005 at 08:31 AM
quote:In Other words... All that Messenger tells to your contact is the text and what type of text it is. For example: You listen to a song called "Eminem - Mockingbird". All that Messenger really tells to your contacts is... code:The Messengers of your contacts will format this data and add the underlying link to MSN Music to it. So the only way this could be done is... - When Microsoft adds support for it, but that will never happen because of security issues. - When somebody creates a plugin for it and your contacts install that plugin. That could be done but the whole thing becomes useless when you need to tell your contact to install a plugin before the can see your link. |