
can't access to hotmail in-box via messenger - Printable Version

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can't access to hotmail in-box via messenger by xixi on 04-24-2005 at 05:17 AM

before i installed Messenger Plus!, i can sign-in to hotmail in-box automatically. but now i couldn't! wehn i click on the tag, the page automatically get me to the .net passport sign-in page... same for my space...frasturated!!!help!!!

RE: can't access to hotmail in-box via messenger by blackjack on 04-24-2005 at 05:29 AM

Did you Installed StuffPlug NG with the Option, Enable Default Browser?

Try reinstalling it without that option.. maybe thats your problem

RE: can't access to hotmail in-box via messenger by xixi on 04-24-2005 at 05:31 AM

thx...wait.. let me try... doesn't hav such option to choose from...
RE: can't access to hotmail in-box via messenger by blackjack on 04-24-2005 at 05:41 AM

Erm.. isnt that option Enabled In StuffPlug?

[Image: db8gz.jpg]

I used to have the same problem, with that option enabled.. then i reinstalled without that option... and it was fixed

RE: can't access to hotmail in-box via messenger by xixi on 04-24-2005 at 05:47 AM

oh yes! i solved the problem! just make the change in the staffplug-NG option, no need to reinstall! thanks,all of you~