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Asking for a volunteer... by Jhrono on 05-07-2005 at 07:19 PM

Hello (world :P),

I'm here to ask for a volunteer php coder, to help me in the new website i'm building...You don't need to be a 1337 coder...Add me to msn to know what i'm looking for : putoalmeida[at]

Now you'll ask, why wont u learn urself?

And i'll answer...the guide is pretty complicated and i lost my 2 pdf's about php recently, when i formated my pc, by mistake:S...

Once again, i say it's not a skilfull thing i need you to help me on...Add me to msn please, if you are interested : putoalmeida[at]



RE: Asking for a volunteer... by Anubis on 05-07-2005 at 07:24 PM

I never liked the idea of getting someone else to code stuff for you. If you really want something specific, the goals are only in your head, so only you are qualified to get exactly what you want.
I really suggest you get a book and learn it yourself, if you want the right results. And due to the nature of PHP, it should give you a good insight into general coding, which is a useful thing to pick up anyway, and coding never really changes that much over the years, however it does evolve. So in conclusion, get a book for best results and a valuable skill.

RE: Asking for a volunteer... by Jhrono on 05-07-2005 at 07:27 PM

Originally posted by Anubis

I really suggest you get a book and learn it yourself, if you want the right results. And due to the nature of PHP, it should give you a good insight into general coding, which is a useful thing to pick up anyway, and coding never really changes that much over the years, however it does evolve. So in conclusion, get a book for best results and a valuable skill.

I know, i should start learning, but the money i've got is suposed to be spent by buying hosting...and if i buy a book, i dont know when i'll be buying all the php books i see, are enormous rofl...and i only am you think i could easily learn?i guess i'll have to give it a try
RE: Asking for a volunteer... by Yousef on 05-07-2005 at 07:39 PM

If it's a nice project I could help you, talk to you on msn :)

RE: Asking for a volunteer... by Anubis on 05-07-2005 at 07:40 PM

I think a lot of people would be more likely to sign up with a little more detail on what they're doing.

RE: Asking for a volunteer... by Sunshine on 05-07-2005 at 08:07 PM

Have a look here: W3Schools PHP Tutorial

No need to buy a book :chrongue: