
Sug: Poll Bump - Printable Version

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Sug: Poll Bump by user27089 on 05-31-2005 at 12:42 PM

Well, what I think should happen, is that, when an option on a poll is chosen, it should be bumped to the top of the list in the Poll Center, and to the top of the list in the latest posts, like all of the other forums.

I think this should be done because most of the polls are at the "back" of latest posts, and basically forgotten about forever, because even when you vote, nothing happens, so what's the point?

I really think this idea should be incorporated into the forum, purely because the polls are constantly forgotten about.

RE: Sug: Poll Bump by Anubis on 05-31-2005 at 12:54 PM

No, I don't think this idea is good. Having latest posts polluted with loads of polls every time someone votes would get annoying, lead people to hide the poll centre from latest posts, and no one would notice new polls.

RE: Sug: Poll Bump by user27089 on 05-31-2005 at 01:00 PM

Originally posted by Anubis
No, I don't think this idea is good. Having latest posts polluted with loads of polls every time someone votes would get annoying, lead people to hide the poll centre from latest posts, and no one would notice new polls.

How often is there a poll though, I'm only talking about polls that are in the poll centre, hardly anybody visits there, but when they do, nobody knows about it, and 9 out of 10 times, the creator of the poll forgets about it :-/.
RE: Sug: Poll Bump by King For A Day on 05-31-2005 at 04:25 PM

yeh if theres no replying allowed then it just moves further down and theres nothing you can do to show it again

RE: Sug: Poll Bump by John Anderton on 06-14-2005 at 10:14 AM

I think we should have it for about 6 - 8 hours on the list anyways. And if u feel irritated then use the "Hide Forums" feature that Dz has introduced :cheesy:

RE: Sug: Poll Bump by fluffy_lobster on 06-18-2005 at 07:28 PM

IMO no.  I can understand wanting it for Poll Centre in a way, but really  the poll centre is for getting an idea of public opinion, particularly for the thread poster.  If it's of communal interest or something you'd want to check back about to see if anyone else had voted, it deserves to be in GCC where people can accompany their oh-so-important vote with a reply.