
[noparse]/me blablabla[/noparse] - Printable Version

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[noparse]/me blablabla[/noparse] by Weyzza on 06-03-2005 at 05:58 AM

I'd like to know why we cannot do that :)
Is it possible to implement?

Edit: it doesn't work for me if I have /me blablabla
thx raceprouk for pointing that out

RE: [noparse]/me[/noparse] by RaceProUK on 06-03-2005 at 07:10 AM

* RaceProUK blah blah blahdiblah
* RaceProUK blah blah blahdiblah

Hmm... you can't follow the /me with anything. Noi matter where you close [noparse].

RE: [noparse]/me blablabla[/noparse] by Stigmata on 06-03-2005 at 07:54 AM

* Stigmata doesn't understand what you mean?

do you mean the me tag?

[me] which is replaced by your username?

wdz, it isnt a hard request..

$message = preg_replace("#\[me\]#i", "$username", $message);

RE: [noparse]/me blablabla[/noparse] by John Anderton on 06-03-2005 at 07:57 AM

Stiggy i think he means that u cant use the no parse code in the /me comment tag ...
* John Anderton tries it out
* John Anderton is testing in this very sentence
Lets see if it worked :cheesy:
No it doesnt ...
One More try
/me is doing his second test
See this one worked .... lets try my 3rd idea
3rd idea doesnt work :P

The second one does .... wanna know how i did it ???

OK another 4th try
/me is doing his 4th experiment and wonders if it works :P

My 2nd and 4th r the same only the 2nd has no parse while the 4th doesnt so in conlusion u can use /me tags to show /me and u dont even need the no parse code :cheesy:

RE: [noparse]/me blablabla[/noparse] by Weyzza on 06-03-2005 at 08:30 AM

I know how to do it now.

/me kicks John Anderton.

Anyway you could use Preview button :p

Edit: the method doesn't work in sbox :dodgy:

RE: [noparse]/me blablabla[/noparse] by user27089 on 06-03-2005 at 08:34 AM

I think that this is a good idea, I really don't see why it doesn't work to be honest :s...

[s]test[/s] [b]test[/b] [i]test[/i] [u]test[/u]

It would work with a space anyway John :s...
/me looks around room wearily, thinking about his lost love and his lack of will to survive through the treachorous British nights.

RE: [noparse]/me blablabla[/noparse] by surfichris on 06-03-2005 at 02:03 PM

Me code is parsed in a separate function and not in the same function that the rest of the MyCode is parsed. This is done because the Me code only needs to be parsed in certain areas and not all like the other  MyCode does.

I'm going to close this topic for now so you can't spam it anymore - WDZ can still respond if he feels necessary.