
Do you think it's fashionally cool to drink? - Printable Version

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Do you think it's fashionally cool to drink? by Jhrono on 06-10-2005 at 11:52 PM

Yesterday, at the local faire(dont know how to spell it), which is Nationally Known, my ex-ex-gf drank 4 Vodka-Colas(2 straight Down), 2 Whisky-colas and 3 Beers and the STRONGEST shot they had...Myself, i drank 3 beers and 1 Tonic Gin, but i drank 'cause i felt to, not like she does, just to show off...Here's the story :

I arrived at 11:30 PM, and she had already drank 3 beers and 1 Whiskey, and she wasnt normal enough to say one 10 word setence...through out the night she started drinking more 'cause it's fashionally cool to...First the Whiskey then the first 2 vodkas(1 straight down), and she started yeling at me and at my mate(Bernardo)...Then shit happened, at about 1:15 AM she bought one vodka, and she said "this one goes down!", and Slam, straight down her throut!..5 Minutes passed(after many tries to make her stop driking) she bought another Vodka Cola and she tried to do a full down again, and she had done it, if one of my sisters m8's didnt stop her, at midle of the glass..By now, everyone was fed up with her, she was a pain in the ass, allways shouting and stuff..Then she said to my mate"Bernardo, buy me a shot, i'm allways paying you stuff!!"He said he wouldnt, but she persuaded him for 10 minutes, and he finally bought one shot...he gets to the bar and says to the man, "Here's the ticket, give me the strongest shot you have"...The guy says "Are you sure?!?"..."Yes"...and so it was...She drank the shot, and 10 seconds after that she yelled "BERNARDO!!!"...She felt on the floor, and maintained down for 2/3 minutes, after we lifted her up, and she gone down again..after that, she felt down about 10 times over and over again...She was terribly bad, and went home at 1.40 +/-  when she couldnt speak a word...Her parents are uber badly with her, and she is forbiden to go out on night...

It was one of the great nights for me this year, i stayed there until 5 o'clock...And i had lots of fun...Main issue : you CAN have fun not drinking too much..

Now final resume let's see one thing :
-She could have gone to the hospital and maybe have serious problems
-It's proved that such quantity of alchool is bad for your Brain
-Drinks Price :

Vodka - 3€
Whisky - 3€
Beer - 1.5€
Shot - 3€

(4 x Vodka) + (2x Whisky) + (3 x Beer) + Shot = 25.5€
No comment....

So what do you think?Are you willing to go down like she did, everybody laughing at her in the whole 'Party' ?
Damn, if you want to drink, drink, but dont drink heavily!...Drink like i do, 4 or 5 drinks max!...

If you have never seen such things, dont drink too much, or you maybe will never see them yourself..

RE: Do you think it's fashionally cool to drink? by albert on 06-11-2005 at 01:13 AM

... you guys are about 13-14 and already drinking..?!  I dont get it.. why do ppl drink beer knowing you might loose control of yourself??

RE: Do you think it's fashionally cool to drink? by Pinchichuv on 06-11-2005 at 02:02 AM

Originally posted by lp15
... you guys are about 13-14 and already drinking..?!  I dont get it.. why do ppl drink beer knowing you might loose control of yourself??

yeah i think that theyr too young to drink. but mostly the people that drink beer or other alcohol drinks, dont drink a lot or the know when to stop.

Originally posted by Johny
Do you think it's fashionally cool to drink?
Its not cool to drink and specially if youre to young, people that drink usually knows when they have to much to drink. To be Honest i drink but i know when to stop, if im felling dizzy its the time to stop, and i didnt started drinking cause it was cool, i started drinking cause i like the flavor of Tequila, but i started drinkin 2 years ago.
RE: Do you think it's fashionally cool to drink? by marissa on 06-11-2005 at 02:06 AM

what the assuming your friend bernardo is 13 too, so how the hell can he buy drinks?

your ex-ex-girlfriend is a retard. Drinking is so dumb (in my opinion) and NO ONE at that age should be able to look at alchohol! Look how stupid you become when you drink...
im so anti-drinking.

and yes, drinking and doing drugs has become something that makes you look "cool" to everyone else. (maybe it's always been like this) But everyone else is probably just chugging down the beers to look cool too, so really, you're not impressing anyone so "dont dress to impress"

RE: Do you think it's fashionally cool to drink? by L. Coyote on 06-11-2005 at 02:14 AM

I started officially drinking when I was 17. But I always tried drinking, even at 2, I would try to drink (my mother told me).

I haven't drank anything in six months, and I feel very bad about it (even though it's a good thing). I have a couple of beer cans that have almost no alcohol (I told my mother to get them) and I always tell myself "tomorrow I'll drink one".

I'm planning on going out when my friends return to town (they're all at uni, studying) and get drunk. (B)

For me, it's not because I think it's cool. It's my escape. Only once I lost control of myself, that's why I'll never drink when I'm alone anymore. I know I'm pathetic, but I don't give a shit of what people think about me.

RE: Do you think it's fashionally cool to drink? by Jhrono on 06-11-2005 at 02:44 AM

First i'd like to say, i dont thing you got that i dont think drinking = social porpuses, i hate those principles

Originally posted by jchichuv

yeah i think that theyr too young to drink. but mostly the people that drink beer or other alcohol drinks, dont drink a lot or the know when to stop.

I know how to stop, that's why i didnt drink what she did...

Originally posted by marissa

what the assuming your friend bernardo is 13 too, so how the hell can he buy drinks?
Yes he is, and what?i bought them too, it's not legal in my country but they sell them...there is no supervising most of the times so companys take that risk and take 300% more profit...
RE: Do you think it's fashionally cool to drink? by blackjack on 06-11-2005 at 02:49 AM

Drinking is not cool for me.. you dont look fashion doing that.. I drink sometimes with my friends at parties :P considering my age its more reasonable to drink.. but its bad for all ages.. i know that..

i drink 4-5 bottles max.. that is not bad at all :P i can walk in one line.. drive :P and everything

RE: Do you think it's fashionally cool to drink? by Jhrono on 06-11-2005 at 03:08 AM

Originally posted by Calvin
and i think if you think your cool because you do then your an asshole
Originally posted by Johny

First i'd like to say, i dont thing you got that i dont think drinking = social porpuses, i hate those principles

RE: Do you think it's fashionally cool to drink? by albert on 06-11-2005 at 03:08 AM

You know.. when i ask some of my friends who drink y they do.. they say its because they loose control.. and theyre not shy anynmore, and they cant do everything they cannot do usally..

but why the fuck would u wanna do something u don't wanna do when ur sober..? there's a reason u dont wanna do it.. if there isnt then ud do it.. learn to make urself someone u want to be..!

RE: Do you think it's fashionally cool to drink? by Dane on 06-11-2005 at 03:20 AM


Well, here are my thoughts. In agreement with Johny, his girlfriend sounds like a s**t for one, pardon my language.  But only they would drink that much to be "cool".

And I personally have drank once and think that i'd only do it socially, not something to like depend on or whatever.  And I certainly wont get hammered, My maximum is 4.

In conclusion, its not cool!  Live outside the box.

RE: Do you think it's fashionally cool to drink? by FrozernFire on 06-11-2005 at 03:55 AM

only if i really need to. once a week my dad will open a bottle of wine for the family, but i try not to join in. it's a bit like drinking just for the sake of it

RE: Do you think it's fashionally cool to drink? by Weyzza on 06-11-2005 at 04:11 AM

Originally posted by Johny
Do you think it's fashionally cool to drink?
Simple answer.
No, not at all...

I felt sad for my friend that was forced to drink a small glass of Bacardi at his recent birthday party.
I don't know much about those kind of things, but I was surprised when I saw the alcohol percentage.
It was like 70-80%.
I thought I read it wrong, but my other friend confirmed that.

I know for sure that percentage is the same percentage on alcohol for cosmetics or sterilizing an open wound.
I cannot imagine if one drinks that.

Conclusion: peer pressure is bad...
RE: Do you think it's fashionally cool to drink? by Purity on 06-11-2005 at 06:01 AM

Erm, I use to drink at least once every three weeks, I stopped drinking because my girlfriend didn't like it.

I think it's stupid to drink because everyone else is doing and and you wanna fit in. ^o) 

The only reason I drank was for fun not to be a loser about it.

Your ex-girlfriend drank stupidly, anyone that drinks like that should get a life, they are just throwing themselves away.

I also hate the fact that people drink just because they are depressed or have to get something off their mind.  That's stupididy, get a life.

Drinking is fun to a certain extent.

RE: Do you think it's fashionally cool to drink? by haydos on 06-11-2005 at 06:23 AM

Originally posted by Purity
Drinking is fun to a certain extent.

I mean, if your at a party and your having a few with mates its ok. Thats how life is these days. When your getting as badly smashed as Johnnys ex then that is going too far but some people have no control :undecided:
Also if your "relying" on getting pissed to "get away" or whatever then you really need to take a good look at yourself because that is just pointless.
I dont think that its fasionably "cool' to drink underage but it is an accepted thing and some people so think that it's uncool not to drink. Thats where the peer pressure comes in :undecided: Its up to the drinker whether or not they take part, and thats all it comes down to.
RE: Do you think it's fashionally cool to drink? by Stigmata on 06-11-2005 at 06:36 AM

Originally posted by Johny
She drank the shot, and 10 seconds after that she yelled "BERNARDO!!!"...She felt on the floor, and maintained down for 2/3 minutes,

Sorry but i found that funny :)

with me, when it comes to driking.
i will not go over the top, if i feel woosy or something, ill tell my mates to keep a eye on me.
I don't think i would drink to get drunk, at all.

I used to go out with a girl, and she would do excatly what your ex-ex does. We would go out on a friday night, and she would end up going to see her mates, and i would go see mine. and when we would meet up later, she would have gone down the shops, asked some random guy outside to go in and buy her bottles of spirits. which her and her mates would drink through out the night. and when i saw her again, she would fall in my arms giggling..
i wasnt a happy chappy

she had a new years party at her house, and they all got drunk..
I had to stop her friend from cutting herself and taking a overdose on paracetamol(dont laugh :rolleyes:)
another one of her friends was sick everywhere, so i had to clean it up and hoover up..
while my lovely girl friend was only in her knickers upstairs screaming, laughing and running around(not a bad sight though ;) )

it kinda makes you think...

tbh: drinking to be cool = No!

RE: Do you think it's fashionally cool to drink? by dotNorma on 06-11-2005 at 06:38 AM

Who would sell shots to 13 year olds? Especially seeing how blown she was... Yall should not have let her buy that many drinks, and those guys shouldnt of sold them to her. (No matter what the age, After a certain point you should stop selling drinks.)

There is nothing wrong with drinking, but when the results can be severe you should stop. Drinking shouldn't be about "coolness", its just a let off.

RE: Do you think it's fashionally cool to drink? by Purity on 06-11-2005 at 06:48 AM

Originally posted by NoName
There is nothing wrong with drinking, but when the results can be severe you should stop. Drinking shouldn't be about "coolness", its just a let off.
How is there nothing wrong with drinking. It has made the world such a crappy place, if drinking didn't exist, the world would be alot more cleaner, and safer.  It is the peoples fault for drinking so much but still, drinking is a problem.
RE: Do you think it's fashionally cool to drink? by dotNorma on 06-11-2005 at 07:17 AM

Drinking didnt make the world a crappy place, people did. As long as you drink responsible, nothing bad will happen. Its the fault of the people for being dumb asses.

RE: Do you think it's fashionally cool to drink? by Purity on 06-11-2005 at 07:19 AM

True, but still if drinking wasn't ever invented(booze that is:P)

Then there would be no issue, but i guess it's one of those things where its both parties fault.

RE: Do you think it's fashionally cool to drink? by Chestah on 06-11-2005 at 07:22 AM

I think in australia, hte person serving the liquor is supposed to REFUSE you buying more alcohol if your in danger.

RE: Do you think it's fashionally cool to drink? by L. Coyote on 06-11-2005 at 07:27 AM

If no cops are around and you know that the guy doesn't care about laws (because he knows you won't tell him off, since you want alcohol), you won't have any problems with getting anything.

There's also big brothers and big sisters that can help. That happened to my friends, until most of us became of age (18).

RE: Do you think it's fashionally cool to drink? by haydos on 06-11-2005 at 07:27 AM

Originally posted by Chestah
I think in australia, hte person serving the liquor is supposed to REFUSE you buying more alcohol if your in danger.
True, but this is meant to be for people who are over 18.... it doesnt really relate to minors because they dont let under 18's drink in bars etc. unlike some other places around the world.
RE: Do you think it's fashionally cool to drink? by Chestah on 06-11-2005 at 07:28 AM

Originally posted by haydn
Originally posted by Chestah
I think in australia, hte person serving the liquor is supposed to REFUSE you buying more alcohol if your in danger.
True, but this is meant to be for people who are over 18.... it doesnt really relate to minors because they dont let under 18's drink in bars etc. unlike some other places around the world.

no, no i mean for people over 18. If your under 18 its illegal for the bartender to serve you at all! Its illegal for you to be inside the bar :p
RE: Do you think it's fashionally cool to drink? by Ash_ on 06-11-2005 at 08:21 AM

tbh, i see the reason why some people drink. More Confidence. let's say you are infatuated with your best friend, and you want her to know but you don't want to ruin the friendship if she doesent feel the same way.

You invite her to a party, get drunk. ask her out. if she declines in the morning you can just apologize and say it was the alcahol talking.

alcahol can get you out of alot of situations. but i personally don't drink.

RE: Do you think it's fashionally cool to drink? by saralk on 06-11-2005 at 08:55 AM

I don't drink to look cool. And I don't drink much, there is nothing wrong with a few drinks spread over a night, but those people who purpously go out and drink loads of drinks in one night really annoy me. British culture is in a sad state right now.

RE: Do you think it's fashionally cool to drink? by user27089 on 06-11-2005 at 09:18 AM

It's not 'cool' to drink at all, the only time I get drunk is at parties and when my parents allow me to. When I do though, I don't really get too drunk, I never throw up, pass out or anything, all I really do is mess around.

Then I have a few glasses of wine at a meal with my parents, or with members of my family.

It is not fashionable at all, it makes people look stupid.

RE: Do you think it's fashionally cool to drink? by John Anderton on 06-11-2005 at 10:16 AM

Originally posted by Johny
Yesterday, at the local faire(dont know how to spell it), which is Nationally Known, my ex-ex-gf drank 4 Vodka-Colas(2 straight Down), 2 Whisky-colas and 3 Beers and the STRONGEST shot they had...Myself, i drank 3 beers and 1 Tonic Gin, but i drank 'cause i felt to, not like she does, just to show off...Here's the story :

I arrived at 11:30 PM, and she had already drank 3 beers and 1 Whiskey, and she wasnt normal enough to say one 10 word setence...through out the night she started drinking more 'cause it's fashionally cool to...First the Whiskey then the first 2 vodkas(1 straight down), and she started yeling at me and at my mate(Bernardo)...Then shit happened, at about 1:15 AM she bought one vodka, and she said "this one goes down!", and Slam, straight down her throut!..5 Minutes passed(after many tries to make her stop driking) she bought another Vodka Cola and she tried to do a full down again, and she had done it, if one of my sisters m8's didnt stop her, at midle of the glass..By now, everyone was fed up with her, she was a pain in the ass, allways shouting and stuff..Then she said to my mate"Bernardo, buy me a shot, i'm allways paying you stuff!!"He said he wouldnt, but she persuaded him for 10 minutes, and he finally bought one shot...he gets to the bar and says to the man, "Here's the ticket, give me the strongest shot you have"...The guy says "Are you sure?!?"..."Yes"...and so it was...She drank the shot, and 10 seconds after that she yelled "BERNARDO!!!"...She felt on the floor, and maintained down for 2/3 minutes, after we lifted her up, and she gone down again..after that, she felt down about 10 times over and over again...She was terribly bad, and went home at 1.40 +/-  when she couldnt speak a word...Her parents are uber badly with her, and she is forbiden to go out on night...

It was one of the great nights for me this year, i stayed there until 5 o'clock...And i had lots of fun...Main issue : you CAN have fun not drinking too much..

Now final resume let's see one thing :
-She could have gone to the hospital and maybe have serious problems
-It's proved that such quantity of alchool is bad for your Brain
-Drinks Price :

Vodka - 3€
Whisky - 3€
Beer - 1.5€
Shot - 3€

(4 x Vodka) + (2x Whisky) + (3 x Beer) + Shot = 25.5€
No comment....

So what do you think?Are you willing to go down like she did, everybody laughing at her in the whole 'Party' ?
Damn, if you want to drink, drink, but dont drink heavily!...Drink like i do, 4 or 5 drinks max!...

If you have never seen such things, dont drink too much, or you maybe will never see them yourself..

Originally posted by Johny
Age: 13

Originally posted by Johny
Do you think it's fashionally cool to drink?
And same for smokers. I dont like standing next to smokers at all when they are smoking or when they have finished smoking recently .... unless they had a mouthfreshner or whatever :dodgy:
These aint good for u.
If you are legal and go out with friends and just have about a beer or 2 (thats it) then its ok i guess. If you are drunk then it aint of any use cause alcohol is to be enjoyed not to become drunk (In my opinion).
As i read in Ash_'s notesig, if u are having problems and resort to drinking the listen to this ..... "Drinking isnt the questions, it makes you forget the question"
Ya its funny and also has a meaning (good one) if you listen to it and read it carefully.
Why do you need this.

Originally posted by marissa

your ex-ex-girlfriend is a retard. Drinking is so dumb (in my opinion) and NO ONE at that age should be able to look at alchohol! Look how stupid you become when you drink...
im so anti-drinking.

:bow: (Y)
Underlined is what i wanna say too ;)

I dont drink but if i went to a party or something and i am gonna drink then i'd have only 1 - 2 light drinks like beer. Beer here has 2.5 % alcohol so its literally like chilled water :dodgy: Or mabbe the next stronger drink (i dunno which is it cause i dont drink) that too only a drink or 2 cause i like to know what im doing :P
More imp to enjoy the party than to wakeup in the bed next morning with a hangover and not being able to remember what happened.
I know ppl who tell me "I dunno what the f*** happened between 3.30 Am and 6 Am on 31st december" WTF :S
RE: Do you think it's fashionally cool to drink? by user27089 on 06-11-2005 at 10:30 AM

I agree with you 100% there John.

As for the smoking (brought up by John), I hate people smoking around me, the other day some guy blew a load into my face and I screwed at him... How dare he murder me.

RE: Do you think it's fashionally cool to drink? by Dempsey on 06-11-2005 at 10:33 AM

I go out and have a few drinks, and every now and then i drink quite a lot and forget what happened, but as long as you dont lose control and get violent or something then I dont see the problem, as long as you're actually old enough to drink

I'm not saying i never had a drink before I was old enough, but it was the odd occasional drink at family parties, or going to a mates and things like that, i only really started going to the pub proberally when i was about 17 i think

RE: Do you think it's fashionally cool to drink? by King For A Day on 06-11-2005 at 10:36 AM

wow thats just soo pathetic, drinking to be cool.
i drink but ive never been drunk and have never drunk eccseivly
i often go to the pub with friends but im sensible and  im happy like that

RE: Do you think it's fashionally cool to drink? by Veggie on 06-11-2005 at 03:42 PM

well erm beers freekin great, i dont drink to look cool  (thats pathetic, really is). I like the taste of beer and wine, i like sitting in a field with my mates having a bit of cheese and wine, i like getting pissed and playing football, i like going to the pub to socialise, i like the general feeling of being drunk, i like the jokes we make when me and my mates are drunk, i like laughing at mates when they throw up, they like laughing at me when i do.
but i do not like people moaning about smokers (i dont smoke) its their choice. I dont like people that moan at people for drinking but most of all i respect people that choose not to drink.

RE: Do you think it's fashionally cool to drink? by pollolibredegrasa on 06-12-2005 at 12:49 AM

I cant drink, but I know if I could, I'd definitely not drink to be cool...gettin go drunk you lose control and make an @ss or youself? :undecided: Where's the 'coolness' in that??

As for smokers...well its your own choice and dont mind if you smoke and I aint complaining if you smoke, as long as I aint around (lungs are bad enough as it is) but what i DO mind is when bus drivers smoke like 5 fags on the school bus, even after you tell them it could possibly kill you (me) and kindly ask them to stop (I know from personal experience :|).

Geez some people :angry:

RE: Do you think it's fashionally cool to drink? by shine on 06-12-2005 at 05:22 AM

Drinking is BAD and Smoking too... theres nothing great in that!! Nothing to be proud of too..

Do you enjoy giving your control to some other person? Do you enjoy being advised by someone aganist your wishes? Boozing does that to lose your self control and let other do what ever they want with you..

Again nothing can be bad when it is had in right 'Quantity' and right 'Time' and at right 'Place'

13 is not the right 'time' to drik (n)

Let me repeat "Dont let them control you...but you control them" Dont you like it that way?

RE: Do you think it's fashionally cool to drink? by dotNorma on 06-12-2005 at 06:46 AM

Originally posted by Veggie
but i do not like people moaning about smokers (i dont smoke) its their choice. I dont like people that moan at people for drinking but most of all i respect people that choose not to drink.

Same, I hate people that moan. I dont have a problem with smoking alcohal or weed, since it does make you feel good. (There is a reasoning behind it) But I do have a problem with ciggarettes, there is NO point. They dont...let you weed or alcohal. Whats the point?
RE: Do you think it's fashionally cool to drink? by Hybrid on 06-12-2005 at 07:21 AM

Drinking, not cool. You think you look so awsome. Yeah, I hang out with people that drink until they destroyed all their brain cells. They're not funny, and they try to be, and they get very aggresive. Infact, my friends old man got into a fight with three or two midgets. From what I hear he was very, very drunk. :s

RE: Do you think it's fashionally cool to drink? by Veggie on 06-12-2005 at 08:00 AM

Me and my mates can have a good time sober, when we are drunk we just find things funnier. Sometimes its a competition who can drink the most and others its seeing who can get cake stuck the highest on a wall. We do stupid things but we are responsable enough to either not let it to go out of control or take responseability for our actions.

some of my more favourite drinks....
[Image: Guinness.gif][Image: boddingtons.jpg]
[Image: speckly.jpg][Image: tigercool_pump01.gif]
[Image: adnams.gif]

RE: Do you think it's fashionally cool to drink? by sn1p3r on 06-12-2005 at 08:50 AM

Well i don't drink or smoke but i don't really have a problem with people who do as a lot of my friends both drink and smoke. But i don't see how it's 'cool' to drink as many people try to make out. People say to me :o "how can you not drink man!?" but i don't really see the attraction. Im happy with a can of coke :D

RE: Do you think it's fashionally cool to drink? by shine on 06-16-2005 at 07:32 AM

Side effects of alcohol ... and remedies!!!

1. Symptom: Cold and humid feet.
Cause: Glass is being held at incorrect angle (You are pouring the
drink on
your feet).
Cure: Maneuver glass until open end is facing upward

2. Symptom: The wall facing you is full of lights.
Cause: You're lying on the floor.
Cure: Position your body at a 90-degree angle to the floor.

3. Symptom: The floor looks blurry.
Cause: You're looking through an empty glass.
Cure: Quickly refill with your favorite beverage.

4. Symptom: The floor is moving.
Cause: You're being dragged away.
Cure: At least ask where they're taking you.

5. Symptom: You hear echoes every time someone speaks.
Cause: You have your glass on your ear.
Cure: Stop making a fool of yourself!

6. Symptom: The room is shaking a lot, everyone is dressed in white and
music is very repetitive.
Cause: You're in an ambulance.
Cure: Don't move. Let the professionals do their job.

7. Symptom: Your dad and all your brothers are looking at you funny.
Cause: You're in the wrong house.
Cure: Ask if they can point you to your house.

RE: Do you think it's fashionally cool to drink? by Millenium_edition on 06-16-2005 at 10:43 AM

if you can't have fun without getting drunk, you're a sad person tbh :-/
drinking to fit in is wrong, i'm pretty sure it means you need attention (and i can imagine 13-year old girls wanting that... quite a lot need some actually)

drinking is okay, if you can limit yourself. (y)
personally i don't drink, simply because i don't like the taste.

something i'd like to add: drinking to forget is sooo pathetic (and i know what i'm talking about, my dad actually does that :-/). if you can't face the truth, you're beter off not living at all... :-/

RE: Do you think it's fashionally cool to drink? by linx05 on 06-16-2005 at 03:20 PM

I don't have anything wrong with drinking. As long as you're responsible with it and don't get into fights.

My mates and I go out each weekend and get pissed. We're all 18/19/20 years old. We just go out and have fun.

Now, I know people say you can have fun and not drink. But we like to go out and have a few. I don't drink till I pass out or throw up (those are saved for special occasions ;)).

There has been only one time I have regretted getting drunk. But it happens :P

I don't think 13yos should be drinking alcohol. No way. Why do you drink it anyway? Drink some red cordial, it would still have the same effect on you kids!

I don't think it is cool to drink alcohol. I drink because I like the taste of it. When I go out I like to drink. I have found that when I go to parties and clubbing, it isn't uncool to drink. I hardly see anyone forcing other people to have some. It just doesn't happen much around me.

RE: Do you think it's fashionally cool to drink? by absorbation on 06-16-2005 at 03:25 PM

Drinking is fine in the right quianitys and it's find to binge some nights as long as you know what you are going to feel like the next day, i felt really bad after my lst bindge dam sasha's party :S and i am put off binging for a bit as the next day i was so ill :cry:

RE: Do you think it's fashionally cool to drink? by Dempsey on 06-16-2005 at 03:39 PM

w00tage, i just celebrated finishing college by having a few drinks (B)(B)  lol

RE: Do you think it's fashionally cool to drink? by absorbation on 06-16-2005 at 05:05 PM

Originally posted by Dempsey
w00tage, i just celebrated finishing college by having a few drinks (B)(B)  lol

As in finhed all your work now :P Well yey dempsey can have a break beofre a job and can go back to working on his plugins, website etc :P
RE: Do you think it's fashionally cool to drink? by Maniac on 06-17-2005 at 12:48 AM

Originally posted by marissa
what the assuming your friend bernardo is 13 too, so how the hell can he buy drinks?

your ex-ex-girlfriend is a retard. Drinking is so dumb (in my opinion) and NO ONE at that age should be able to look at alchohol! Look how stupid you become when you drink...
im so anti-drinking.

and yes, drinking and doing drugs has become something that makes you look "cool" to everyone else. (maybe it's always been like this) But everyone else is probably just chugging down the beers to look cool too, so really, you're not impressing anyone so "dont dress to impress"

word my friend... word...

I know a girl who woke up in the middle of nowhere after getting drunk, naked a and raped. Another one who bought a glass of alcohol from a bar and the next thing people noticed was someone stuck something in it and was shaking and shivering on the floor like if she was gonna die. Another girl vomitted all night and ended up at the hospital in serious condition cause she vomitted too much blood. I know two guys who had massive car accidents driving drunk, one who's car went to the trash but was safe, the other one tickled paralisis and had to wear protective stuff over his next for a year and drink bottles (yes BOTTLES) of pain killers every day...

If any of you thinks he's "cool" enough to give me a reason FOR drinking rather then against... be my guest... cause there are none

People drink just because its "cool" then they get drunk and so "wow man i got all drunk and shit! SO COOOL!" get a life people... unless you want to end yours with a street light hanging out of your stomach or dead at the hospital cause your liver just gave up...

And don't give me any of your "i drink with moderation" BULLSHIT...  why do you drink with moderation? cause vodka tastes good? cause "sex on the beach" smelles good?... get lost, you drink you stink like fuckin hell and even cherry coke is tastier then most alcohol...

RE: Do you think it's fashionally cool to drink? by Dr Laytex on 06-17-2005 at 07:10 AM

you really against that all those "drugs and alcohol" nimicitor

RE: RE: Do you think it's fashionally cool to drink? by Veggie on 06-17-2005 at 05:42 PM

Originally posted by Maniac
And don't give me any of your "i drink with moderation" BULLSHIT...  why do you drink with moderation? cause vodka tastes good? cause "sex on the beach" smelles good?... get lost, you drink you stink like fuckin hell and even cherry coke is tastier then most alcohol...

If your going to use opinions to back up arguments so shall i, I like the taste of beer than most soft drinks. I am pretty sure that beer is better for the teeth that softdrinks, a can of beer is proberbly more healty than a can of soft drink.

I DO drink in moderation, i go down the pub and have a few pints while discussing the finer points in life, what can you see is wrong with that?

I dont mind people that dont drink i HATE people who force there opinons onto others, like people having a go at people who drink as they dont.

RE: Do you think it's fashionally cool to drink? by Punk_Out on 06-20-2005 at 11:04 PM

i think some people do it to look cool, but i'm not a big drinker just a pothead and a mushroom man!  There is no problem having a drink once and awhile during social gatherings (hanging out)!

RE: Do you think it's fashionally cool to drink? by crazihouse on 06-21-2005 at 02:55 AM

There was a party near my house. The girl that organized the party invited about 20 people. 60 people showed up. There is a depanneur near-by. Need I say more?

Drinking can lead to horrible stuff if you decide to consume as much stuff as you humanly can possible. That is why you must establish a limit. Drink responsibly and not stupidly like an old drunk crookedly walking through the city streets.

RE: Do you think it's fashionally cool to drink? by dylan! on 06-21-2005 at 03:06 AM

my answer to this thread is as simple as "yes" but my repsonse is "no":P...drinking is bad for you:P:banana:

RE: Do you think it's fashionally cool to drink? by Dr Laytex on 06-21-2005 at 03:40 AM

i think drinkin is fine for parties with people and stuff but if you drink alone because you have problems etc thats not good (N)

RE: Do you think it's fashionally cool to drink? by Gorillaz2-D on 06-22-2005 at 04:45 PM

ip15 is right why the hell would u drink u could kill ur liver if start expirementing with hard liquirs wen u loose control

RE: Do you think it's fashionally cool to drink? by PenguinBoy on 06-24-2005 at 10:03 AM

All livers are evil and must be punished.

First time i drank was when i was very depressed and was out with a load of sixthformers all a  couple year older than me, so i drank up got happy and laughed my way home. I'm quite happy i did because if it had been otherwise i would have spent the night moping in my own self pity.

I think the most important thing to do in terms of drinking (if ur going to do it, well done to those who don't) is to learn urself, and to know how much u can handle and know whether ur in the right company to get more than tipsey.

I'm a loving drunk hehe, and i go and look after all the depressed drunks.

*thinks of alcohol....New castle brown ale... southern conforts.... snake bite....dribbles*

Unfortunately i think i'm what they call a binge drinker(very bad for u apparently :S). i never drink at home because i don't really enjoy it. I like drinking when i'm at a party where i get verry nicely drunk. Only ever been sick once. but anyhoo all in good jest.

Did you know that hangover headache is infact ur shrunken-dehydrated-brain pulling on the membranes lining the inside of ur skull? yeaukhe. Drink plenty of water and have a load vitamins and suppliments before u go to bed.

[Image: pieinthepark4mo.jpg]
that's me and my friend pandy, showing u the benifits of pie in the park.... and fredos and just juice.

It's usually insecure people who will drink to excess to show off their capacity, i don't know whether it is fassionable but it is definately born from an urge to be. most people don't really feel they have anything to prove by it.  Just be supportive and look after ur friends, when they get into a state, keepem watered and to be there for them is the best help available.
(and try to keep out of fights) (unless it includes rugby tackling ur best friend repetatively, that's k)

RE: Do you think it's fashionally cool to drink? by Veggie on 06-24-2005 at 04:29 PM

Originally posted by nimicitor
not to mention stupid. and when your liver is rotting, you will expect DECENT people to replace it with a new one. your digging your own grave.
In some cases some alcohol is good for you, in moderation of some drinks can help people.

I like drinking, its a social activity. Going to the pub with a few mates makes a very nice evening.
RE: RE: RE: Do you think it's fashionally cool to drink? by PenguinBoy on 06-25-2005 at 12:27 AM

Originally posted by nimicitor
Originally posted by PenguinBoy
First time i drank was when i was very depressed and was out with a load of sixthformers all a  couple year older than me, so i drank up got happy and laughed my way home. I'm quite happy i did because if it had been otherwise i would have spent the night moping in my own self pity.

If you need to drink to be happy, then you must be extremely sad.

Unfortunately i think i'm what they call a binge drinker(very bad for u apparently :S).

not to mention stupid. and when your liver is rotting, you will expect DECENT people to replace it with a new one. your digging your own grave.

yes i was very sad from trouble with my girlfriend and got happy, maybe it was cheap and superficial, but it worked. And i never said i would expect any decent people to replace my liver. i demand livers from bastards please. if not, i refuse riteous livers! lol

Anyhoo in all seriousness man, it would be better if u didn't call people stupid. Argue ur point, honestly i am interested to hear it! but attacking me doesn't really help me focus on the points ur making, and i'm sure u want me to listen so please try to phrase things differently.
Alcohol cuts down a life-span, so does stress.

That was quite supprising btw, i've just been talking to my friend bout a'cutting down on his drug intake. something like drinking is completely over looked. Infact i was telling him to cut out the crack and stick with the booze. As a safer place to dwell. (note that i didn't tell him he was stupid, rather i encouraged him to calm down on the stuff and to )

to all: is it better to drink regularly and then get totally drunk at a party.
or is it better to drink the same amount at the party but to drink nothing the rest of the time.

Because people talk about the dangers of binge drinking, but most people i know either binge drink, or drink regularly but with equal yet overlooked binges aswell.

And in referance to the initial question, I think yes, drinking is fassionable and it makes u feel better, but u need to look after urselves. Allot of Anti-drug/anti-smoking/anti-drink initiatives, and school education methods are in denial.
Smoking makes u feel good and it makes u look kool. this is true.
but if the education system actually accepted this and tried to help people out instead of telling them they're stupid for making such decisions they'd probably get allot further.