
msn custom emoticons don't show up - Printable Version

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msn custom emoticons don't show up by Nonkel on 06-21-2005 at 12:55 PM


Whenever I send a custom emoticon attached to a message, it end up as a blank white sqaire at the other contact. The same happens when she sends me a emoticon. I just see a white sqaire.

Now, the strange thing is that I currently have this only with one person. With other people emoticons go through as always, they can see them and I can see them. But not with one. (she also can send emoticons through to other people)
Also, it depends on which emoticons she sends through. Some of them are accepted and can be seen, others will never be seen.

Now, my first bet is that msn uses some sort of cache for every person to store previously used emoticons. And that the cache is full. (since we talk alot ;))
Any chance i'm right? And how to solvethis problem?

RE: msn custom emoticons don't show up by RaceProUK on 06-21-2005 at 04:33 PM

It'll be using Temporary Internet Files if anything at all. Try emptying that via IE, and see what happens.

The other explanation is she uses a shortcut code the same as someone else, and there's a conflict resulting.

If anyone else has more info (and wants to correct me :P), go ahead.