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Big Display by ZeeBo on 07-01-2005 at 11:07 PM


I have a friend there have a big display on messenger but he cant remember how he get it how can i get it?

Im not sure but maybe it's Advanced Display Picture you can do it in but i dont understand how i do it so it would be nice if someone can guide me in it (Sorry my english) if there is someone from Denmark there would tell it to me on Danish would it be very nice :'D

RE: Big Display by mwe99 on 07-01-2005 at 11:39 PM

It's either a Dynamic Display Picture from BlueMountain or another DDP provider (these can be obtained by Actions > Get more from messenger), or has been oversized using Stuff Plug

RE: Big Display by ZeeBo on 07-02-2005 at 12:06 AM

Can you give me more info?

RE: Big Display by mwe99 on 07-02-2005 at 12:15 AM

Well are the big pictures animated? or just larger than usual?

RE: Big Display by Joe on 07-02-2005 at 02:15 AM

Originally posted by mwe99
It's either a Dynamic Display Picture from BlueMountain or another DDP provider (these can be obtained by Actions > Get more from messenger), or has been oversized using Stuff Plug

the "StuffPlug" he mentioned has the ability to make the image that you add to your display pictures stay the size it is, make it bigger, or make it smaller...

Dynamic Display Pictures are another story.
RE: Big Display by ZeeBo on 07-02-2005 at 07:58 AM

Well... The picture is not animated i just want a normal picture in my display there is bigger than 96x96 like it is on my Messenger now and then i ask how can i get that?

RE: Big Display by (CyBeRDuDe) on 07-02-2005 at 09:42 AM

ZeeBo... Download den, Stuffplug fås på dansk... og sørg for at indstillingen til "Aktiver store displaybilleder" er sat til... Tilføj derefter et nyt Display billede af det billede du vil have, og stuffplug spørger så om du vil beholde originale størrelsen og om du vil resize det til en anden størrelse...
Hmm... Bruger du MSN 6.2? eller MSN 7?... Hvis du bruger MSN 6.2 kan du se hans og andres folks store display billeder uden at have noget ekstra.. Men bruger du MSN 7 kræver det at du har Stuffplug installeret for at se de store dp's... Jeg antager at du bruger MSN 7, og at du kan se denne persons store billede.. Derfor antager jeg også at du allerede har stuffplug installeret.. kan det passe?...

Sorry guys for the danish.. But he asked if someone could tell him in danish... So I did.. :P..

RE: Big Display by ZeeBo on 07-02-2005 at 05:16 PM

Thanks (CyBeRDuDe) there was something i could use :'D