
Status messages & Custom names in MSN Messenger 7.x - Printable Version

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Status messages & Custom names in MSN Messenger 7.x by Sietse on 07-13-2005 at 02:54 PM

Good day,

Currently I am using MSN Messenger 6.2 (on Windows XP), though.. looking at the fact a new version has been released a while ago I am now considering to move to the more recent MSN Messenger 7.

Though, while I was plunging into the depths of this new version of MSN Messenger in combination with the beloved extension Messenger Plus!, I noticed two things I really liked in MSN Messenger 6.2 didn't work as they used to anymore.

Firstly, in MSN Messenger 6.2 in combination with Messenger Plus! you are able to disable the custom status messages with a registry key (UseTagForCustomName). This key perfectly does what it is supposed to in MSN Messenger 6.2, though seems to be quite ineffective in 7.x. Is there a way to get this feature to work again in MSN Messenger 7?

My second issue is about the custom nickname feature. When I entered a custom nickname in MSN Messenger 6.2 and quickly wanted to look up a contact I could just type the first characters of his or her name in the main window to get the selection bar on this person. In MSN Messenger 7, this feature has changed a bit: now, when I type the first characters of a person's custom nickname, I am expected to type the e-mail adress or nickname of a certain person. My question is whether this feature can be made to work as it did in MSN Messenger 6.2?

Thanks in advance,

P.S. I was not entirely sure where I'd post this thread. Seeing they do concern features that were/are already present in Messenger Plus! I have chosen the Bug Reports forum.

RE: Status messages & Custom names in MSN Messenger 7.x by RaceProUK on 07-13-2005 at 06:57 PM

Not too sure I get the first question - could you elaborate a bit?
As for the second, it's likely this is becuase of the changes MSN made to v7, meaning that the text that's visible is 'overlaid'. Either that, or Messenger takes the keystrokes and comapres them against e-mail addresses, not on-screen text.

RE: Status messages & Custom names in MSN Messenger 7.x by Sietse on 07-13-2005 at 07:09 PM

Well, I can try, of course.

Messenger Plus! allows you to use a status like:
Nickname here (Not here, working) instead of (Away, Busy.. whatever)

I want Messenger to ignore the custom input. :)

There is nothing that can possibly be done about the second issue?

RE: Status messages & Custom names in MSN Messenger 7.x by RaceProUK on 07-13-2005 at 07:20 PM

If you're talking about contacts' custom satuses, in MSNM7 both the custom and Messenger statuses are displayed. AFAIK, there's no alternative.

And sorry, it's not possible to change the behaviour of Messenger itself without patching, which is illegal.

RE: Status messages & Custom names in MSN Messenger 7.x by Sietse on 07-14-2005 at 12:17 PM

Ok, nothing to do about it then.. I'll stick with MSN Messenger 6.2 for the time being.

Thanks for the help. :)