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Thread/post deleted.. by Reaper on 08-19-2005 at 04:27 PM

Just an idea, if your post or thread gets deleted by an admin shouldnt the person who posted get a message saying your post/thread has been deleted for whatever reason?

RE: Thread/post deleted.. by Millenium_edition on 08-19-2005 at 04:30 PM

i think that if you notice your thread has been deleted you should know why. it was obviously against the rules

RE: Thread/post deleted.. by Reaper on 08-19-2005 at 04:32 PM

hmmmm yeh i guess your right, but wouldnt oyu want to know what rule you broke?

RE: Thread/post deleted.. by Millenium_edition on 08-19-2005 at 04:35 PM

Originally posted by Reaper66613
hmmmm yeh i guess your right, but wouldnt oyu want to know what rule you broke?
i think the obvious answer is that you reread them and apply each of them on your thread.

besides, it's hard breaking rules while starting a thread
RE: Thread/post deleted.. by Reaper on 08-19-2005 at 04:37 PM

ah i see, thanx for ur input anyway (Y)

RE: Thread/post deleted.. by John Anderton on 08-19-2005 at 04:38 PM

No you shouldnt have a place cause u already should know. If you dont then just pm the admin/mod online at that time and ask.
If you find out later then just pm and ask dz. He'll prolly find out.
But if its been deleted then you should know cause as M_E said its obviously against the rules.

What ever you wanna do, do it in private via a pm not in public.

RE: Thread/post deleted.. by Chrono on 08-19-2005 at 04:40 PM

Originally posted by Reaper66613
that if you notice your thread has been deleted you should know why. it was obviously against the rules
indeed, you should know why was it deleted.
The fact that we delete MANY posts and threads makes it imposible to send a message to every involved member :chrongue:
RE: Thread/post deleted.. by absorbation on 08-19-2005 at 04:49 PM

how about a script? saying it :P

RE: Thread/post deleted.. by Chrono on 08-19-2005 at 04:54 PM

Originally posted by Absorbation

how about a script? saying it 
we would still have to fill a form or to select some options everytime we delete a post or thread, which would be annoying :P (just imagine using the delete selective posts feature :chrongue:).

It would be extra work for us (N) And most of the times people know why were their posts/threads deleted :P
RE: Thread/post deleted.. by SikStyles on 08-19-2005 at 05:36 PM

and you can reread the rules and memorize them so you know that you wont make a mistake or something when u post or create a thread :)

RE: Thread/post deleted.. by RebelSean on 08-20-2005 at 04:04 AM

I dont believe that a pm should be sent per deleted message, now if a thread gets deleted/moved then I think a nice script to notify the poster would be nice (y).

RE: Thread/post deleted.. by L. Coyote on 08-20-2005 at 04:12 AM

You don't even need to memorize. Just having common sense and fully reading of the forum rules should do.

RE: Thread/post deleted.. by WDZ on 08-20-2005 at 04:57 AM

Originally posted by John Anderton
If you find out later then just pm and ask dz. He'll prolly find out.
Yeah, usually if someone PMs me asking why their thread/post was deleted, I'll get back to them within 24 hours and tell them which mod did the deleting.