
Logitech media keyboard... - Printable Version

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Logitech media keyboard... by Lou on 08-27-2005 at 08:33 PM

I got a new keyboard today. Cost me nothing but my step mom $10 CAD. Here is one's all you need to see really. I like the way you install a program and you set whatever you want certain special keys to do like open msn messenger:refuck:
Here is a link to a bigger image:
[Image: logitech-media-keyboard-schnurgebundene-tastatur.jpg]

RE: Logitech media keyboard... by qgroessl on 08-27-2005 at 08:35 PM

Looks pretty sweet....

Originally posted by lou_habs
$10 CAD
Is that Canadian??..... what would that be in US $
RE: Logitech media keyboard... by ddunk on 08-27-2005 at 08:36 PM

[08.27|14.11.04] <@Ddunk> .g 10CAD to USD
[08.27|14.11.07] <+segbot> Google: 10 Canadian dollars = 8.37521 U.S. dollars

RE: Logitech media keyboard... by qgroessl on 08-27-2005 at 08:37 PM

Sweet.... you had to have gotten that off like E-bay or some discount store or something?

RE: Logitech media keyboard... by Lou on 08-27-2005 at 08:38 PM

Originally posted by qgroessl
Sweet.... you had to have gotten that off like E-bay or some discount store or something?
Future shop:refuck:
RE: Logitech media keyboard... by qgroessl on 08-27-2005 at 08:40 PM

Bleh... for such a deal you should've bought a bunch and sold them yourself ;).... I need a new keyboard.... I eat too many things over it and it gets crummy, and I'm too lazy to clean it!

Keyboard looks pretty nice though... I'd need the big delete key becaue I mak so many mistakes.

RE: Logitech media keyboard... by Kryptonate on 08-27-2005 at 08:40 PM

I've got the same, it's pretty good :). 10 CAD is pretty cheap :o.

RE: Logitech media keyboard... by Lou on 08-27-2005 at 08:44 PM

Originally posted by Kryptonate
I've got the same, it's pretty good :). 10 CAD is pretty cheap :o.
it was on sale at 24.99 with some mail in rebate:D
RE: Logitech media keyboard... by hmaster on 08-27-2005 at 09:26 PM

damn cheap, i need a new mouse and keyboard

RE: Logitech media keyboard... by M73A on 08-27-2005 at 09:32 PM

Originally posted by lou_habs
I like the way you install a program and you set whatever you want certain special keys to do like open msn messenger:refuck:
lame:P my grpahics tablet has pressure sensitive buttons around the edges to do that:P lol

kool keyboard though *-) i want oe of them opnes where all the buttons are like tiny monitors and they buttons change for what your using (game etc.. ) was posted on here about it..
RE: Logitech media keyboard... by Tasha on 08-27-2005 at 09:43 PM

Looks pretty nice, but maybe a bit ugly. I dunno, too many of those big fancy buttons across the top always seem to annoy me. Ah well, still looks really nice. And it was really cheap. :p

RE: Logitech media keyboard... by hmaster on 08-27-2005 at 09:51 PM
my keyboard lol. the left extra buttons are really useful :P

RE: Logitech media keyboard... by Lou on 08-27-2005 at 10:08 PM

Originally posted by Tasha
maybe a bit ugly. I dunno, too many of those big fancy buttons across the top
They are really useful..if I didnt want them I wouldn't have bouth this:P Old keyboard was fine tbh...but I love this one...Really cheap too:D But anyways, I might be selling my old one...maybe not though...cause I like it too:P and I might be getting a second computer so I would need the other one:D
RE: Logitech media keyboard... by Supersonicdarky on 08-27-2005 at 10:59 PM

i just got the flyer, you're right it is $10 :P

another great value: Router $10 ($100 original value) too bad that it's a mail-in rebate


My Keyboard :refuck:

RE: Logitech media keyboard... by Lou on 08-27-2005 at 11:03 PM

Originally posted by Supersonicdarky
My Keyboard
a bit too much for me:P [money wise]
RE: Logitech media keyboard... by albert on 08-28-2005 at 04:59 AM

Ye future shop does cool prices when clearing out some items. Nice buy (Y)

RE: Logitech media keyboard... by Anubis on 08-28-2005 at 08:01 AM

My keyboard is pretty dirty and in need of a clean out tbh! But that is a nice keyboard that lou_habs has, I've never really liked black coloured keyboards because they usually not as hi-tech looking as the ones that are that new kind of very white colour with grey that is very popular with all tech stuff now. But still that keyboard is aesthetically pleasing, and having that many buttons for apps is always a good thing, almost makes the mouse useless if it wasn't for games playing and web surfing.

RE: Logitech media keyboard... by Rubber Stamp on 08-28-2005 at 04:12 PM

i have a microsoft keyboard......not many buttons tho..just the normal buttons like favourites...mail, search etc.
[Image: LD0000412905_2.jpg]

RE: Logitech media keyboard... by Lou on 08-28-2005 at 04:31 PM

my old one was microsoft I had only one extra button for the calculator and since I got it used I ddint get the install cd so it didnt

RE: Logitech media keyboard... by Eljay on 08-28-2005 at 04:31 PM

Originally posted by Rubber Stamp
i have a microsoft keyboard......not many buttons tho..just the normal buttons like favourites...mail, search etc.
[Image: LD0000412905_2.jpg]

wow thats a nice keyboard, like anubis my keyboard is really dirty and filled with crumbs and stuff and its a simple keyboard anyway, i cant say ive ever used the buttons on it for launching applications, im more of a mouse man :P