
statuschange to online (small bug) - Printable Version

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statuschange to online (small bug) by THZ on 08-29-2005 at 11:19 AM

this is really a small bug but yea a bug is a bug...

when you change your station to online with the command '/online' but you typ '/onlinr' (mistyped) msgplus changes it to '/onphone'
i guess this is because onlinr <> online so msgplus takes the next entry in the command list, i know it's a detail but i just wanted to report it...

msgplus ver: 3.54.132
msn msgr ver: 7.0.0816
win ver: xp pro


RE: statuschange to online (small bug) by qgroessl on 08-29-2005 at 11:49 AM

I dunno if this is a bug exactly, I think it goes down to the next one on purpose... What they should do which is a bit more complicated but would be better, is take what you typed, find the word with the most similiar letters, and put it there........

Good job pointing this out, I always thought it just gave you the message about the command being unknown.

RE: statuschange to online (small bug) by THZ on 08-29-2005 at 11:55 AM

thats what i ment :)
but i was thinking, 'onphone' starts with a 'p' and thats a lot of difference with 'l' from 'online' thats why i came to post it:D

(for those who think " 'onphone' starts with an o right? " thats right bot the on stays the same in both commands)

RE: statuschange to online (small bug) by L. Coyote on 08-29-2005 at 12:49 PM

It's not a bug, as already pointed out.

It's a little help to prevent the input of non-existent commands and aid to find the command you want to use. It points to the command with more similarity to what you are typing.

You can easily delete the "r" or move to the previous command in the list with the arrow keys, to use "/online".

Of course it will give the next best match to what already is in the list, since there is no other command that starts with "on" other than "online" and "onphone".

Edit: btw (kind of unrelated), if you want to remove some commands from that list, you can get the MsgPlus! Tweak from the Registry Options page.

RE: statuschange to online (small bug) by THZ on 08-29-2005 at 12:53 PM

well thats not really simpel when you type fast you know? :p '/onlinr *enter*' and your status is changed to on phone... i can't read that fast to see if it's correct in a fraction of a second 8-)