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Plus! didn't autosave my convo! by Drandre on 08-30-2005 at 06:59 AM

I'm sorry but I'm pulling my hair out about this problem. I have Msn Messenger 7.0.0816, and Plus! 3.54.132, and I use this program religiously every night. Well, just tonight I had a very, very important conversation with someone, expecting it to be saved. Afterwards, when I want to reflect on the conversation a bit, I go to My Chat Logs under My Documents and today's conversation was not saved. Gone. Kaput. I look at other convos tonight and some were saved, but not all, especially not my important convo :(. I don't know what the problem was, because it's so weird. I go to contact information for the person who's convo I wanted to save, and Plus! says that I haven't talked to her in 2 days or seen her in 2 days. I just talked to her tonight!!! And normally I wouldn't care if my convos are saved or not but this one was paramount. I checked my Logging settings and it's set to log every convo of mine, and to autosave every 30 minutes. I was talking with this person for two hours so 3 or 4 half hour's worth of material ought to be saved. Heck, the whole convo ought to be saved, but it's not. It just doesn't make sense. An hour before this special person left, I cleared my Event Log window because it was getting crowded. After I cleared it, it didn't record any further events for the remainder of the night. Why, I don't know. I checked my Messenger settings and I already knew I don't use Messenger to autosave my convos, I have it disabled on Messenger but enabled for Plus!. But that shouldn't be the problem because I have had it that way for months and Plus! has saved all my convos correctly. Or at least I think it's saved all my convos. Skimming through a month's worth of convos, it looks like it's all here. Just not tonight's convo, the important convo. I'm sorry but it's driving me up the wall. Is there any, any way I can get it back? Is it on someone's server, maybe Microsoft's or something? Or is it on my computer secretly hidden somewhere, in Temporary Files or something? I don't think it's there because I've already checked Temp files and come up dry, I think. I know the chat logs are saved in the right place because it saved some convos tonight. It did. Just not the one I needed the most. So I have no idea what the problem possibly is. I'm not exaggerating, this was one important convo I cannot afford to lose, and if I must lose it I must, but please within all your power is there any possible way to retrieve it back?

RE: Plus! didn't autosave my convo! by Ash_ on 08-30-2005 at 07:10 AM

are you sure its not under the My Documents/My Recieved Files/(emailname)(number)/ folder?

RE: Plus! didn't autosave my convo! by Eljay on 08-30-2005 at 07:12 AM

well if it didnt save it then im afraid theres nothing we can do, its not stored temp anywhere (afaik) and definitely not on any server (invasion of privacy comes to mind)
you may have accidentally disabled logging for just that person (in a convo, Plus! > Log This Chat)

note: have you disabled msn logging because if you havent then msn will automatically log all chats inside your received files folder (by default), its worth a check if its that important

RE: Plus! didn't autosave my convo! by Drandre on 08-30-2005 at 07:17 AM

I checked My Received Files and looked under that folder you spoke of, and all I have is conversations from a year ago. I just checked now and I'm 110% that my logging was not disabled during the time Plus! failed to record my convo. I wouldn't suppose my computer would have it secretly logged away somewhere. I wonder, because I know that police officers can search computers and find hidden things and deleted things and all sorts of stuff, I suppose that my convo I need is somehow hidden in my computer's system or something like that?

If there's absolutely nothing that can be done, I understand.

By the way, what does it mean when you typed (afaik)?

RE: Plus! didn't autosave my convo! by Ash_ on 08-30-2005 at 07:23 AM

as far as i know.

RE: Plus! didn't autosave my convo! by Drandre on 08-30-2005 at 07:30 AM

So...nothing I can do then except accept the fact that it's gone...*sigh* why is it always that when you need something to work, something goes wrong...anyways, if there's nothing else that can be done or added upon, thanks for your time and help. (Y)

RE: Plus! didn't autosave my convo! by multimillion2k on 08-30-2005 at 07:32 AM

Did you have Messenger saving your chatlogs as well? If it was enabled, you can access them through File -> View Message History or right-click on their name and View Message History

RE: Plus! didn't autosave my convo! by Drandre on 08-30-2005 at 07:36 AM

No, I don't have Messenger autosaving my convos, mainly because I haven't had a problem saving them only through Plus!. I've had my convos autosaved through Plus! for months now and never had a problem with that. Unfortunately, tonight's conversation wasn't under View Message History. :(

RE: Plus! didn't autosave my convo! by multimillion2k on 08-30-2005 at 07:39 AM

Gutted! Is it possible to ask the special contact if she has a copy of the conversation? Or is that a No-no?

RE: Plus! didn't autosave my convo! by Drandre on 08-30-2005 at 07:41 AM

One step ahead of you, I whipped off a quick email to my contact minutes after I discovered the problem, to ask if they autosaved the convo or if they manually saved it, or if they even had it at all. If that comes up dry, I guess that means I'm out of luck?

RE: Plus! didn't autosave my convo! by multimillion2k on 08-30-2005 at 07:45 AM

Check the logfile one last time - perhaps you'll get a miracle.
Otherwise, yes - you're out of luck. The conversation won't be stored anywhere else on your computer.

RE: Plus! didn't autosave my convo! by Drandre on 08-30-2005 at 07:46 AM

*Sigh* it's not there. Thanks anyways for the help everyone. I hope this doesn't happen again anytime soon. :S

RE: Plus! didn't autosave my convo! by multimillion2k on 08-30-2005 at 07:52 AM

Best of luck, bro - whatever it was, I hope it works out. I'll waive your consultancy fee if it's any consolation :P

RE: Plus! didn't autosave my convo! by Drandre on 08-30-2005 at 08:02 AM

Thanks. :P. I'm just curious, do bugs and problems like these ever make their way to "the man"? Or will this probably slip into obscurity within 24 hours? I mean, this problem makes no sense whatsoever, really it doesn't add up. I mean, understandably if I clearly made a mistake of my own someone would have picked up on it, this problem, to be honest, it simply does not make any sense. Is there hope that it will be looked into more thoroughly later or not? By then it will be too late to fix the problem for me (of course), but I'm curious whether it will get recognition or not.

RE: Plus! didn't autosave my convo! by Patchou on 08-31-2005 at 03:28 AM

Hi Drandre,

you are right, this problem makes no sense and I'm sorry to hear that you lost your logs. It could have been a bug in Messenger Plus! causing it not to notice this specific chat you had... I know it soudns strange but I recently fixed a problem like that and the fix will be part of Messenger Plus! 3.60, due in September.

When this version will be out, I encourage you to download it and email me at if you notice anything else of this kind again. I do not want this kind of problem to be in my software more than you :).

RE: Plus! didn't autosave my convo! by Drandre on 08-31-2005 at 03:51 AM

Thanks so much Patchou, I look forward to the new version. :)