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+----- Thread: (/showthread.php?tid=49913) by Chrono on 09-03-2005 at 01:27 AM

^^ that url stopped working for me since an hour ago or so, does anyone experience the same problem?

Meh, i know i shouldnt be using it (i had a 'shortcut' for it with avant :P), i just wanted to let you know..

* Chrono edits the shorcut :P

RE: by L. Coyote on 09-03-2005 at 01:29 AM

Works for me :o

RE: by Chrono on 09-03-2005 at 01:30 AM

* Chrono wonders what could be the problem be then 8-)

bleh, doesnt matter as ill be using from now on (as i should have been doing :P)

RE: by CookieRevised on 09-03-2005 at 03:06 AM

the old search url wasn't working for me either since a few days. I suppose those domain are getting expired or something, or WDZ and co are playing with stuff :D

RE: by surfichris on 09-03-2005 at 03:25 AM

The host is currently on went down the other day and went down again earlier - i'm going to be moving it all to my new server soon.