
Spilt drink in laptop! - Printable Version

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Spilt drink in laptop! by kierant on 09-05-2005 at 11:38 PM

I have just spilt a sticky drink into my laptop accidentally and was wondering if it possible to remove the keys to clean it.

I know that the keys can pop off easily on a conventional keyboard, but don't really want to risk snapping the laptop.

So I'm just here to check whether any of you know from experience whether they tend to break or not.

Thanks for any help.

RE: Spilt drink in laptop! by mwe99 on 09-05-2005 at 11:43 PM

I saw on a TV commerical you can suck it out using a low powered vaccum but im not sure cos i havent tried it

RE: Spilt drink in laptop! by DJeX on 09-05-2005 at 11:52 PM

Take papertowel and slide the edge between the keys, worked for me.

RE: Spilt drink in laptop! by brian on 09-06-2005 at 12:17 AM

Follow this really helpful tutorial, it's for PC's, but the same, I guess.

RE: Spilt drink in laptop! by ipab on 09-06-2005 at 12:35 AM

waht kind of a laptop is it?

from first hand experience, laptops are a pain in the ass. If you are under warranty, take it to a repair store and tell them that it malfunctioned, and they will get you a brand new keyboard. Other wise, i suggest you be VERY careful with taking apart the keys, as especially IBM laptops have keys that are very hard to pop back in.

RE: Spilt drink in laptop! by kierant on 09-06-2005 at 12:01 PM

Hi guys. Thanks for all of your replies and help.

mwe99 - I would have tried your suggestion but it was a bit late and I would have awakened the whole house:P

DJex - this is what I tried and luckily (touch wood) it has worked fine so far. All of the keys are working and none are sticking.

brian - I actually found that tutorial also, and it seems quite helpful although based on a PC keyboard. Luckily the problem was solved so didn't have to attempt any 'surgery'.

ipab - It's a Dell Inspiron 6000 and I've only had it a few months so therefore it's still under warranty. So if it proceeds to mess up in the future I should be ok.

Thanks again

RE: Spilt drink in laptop! by Ahmad on 09-06-2005 at 12:42 PM

laptops keys dont pop out, theyre all connected, the whole kb comes off