
Logs file Error - Printable Version

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Logs file Error by ladybug14 on 09-21-2005 at 02:47 PM

I absoultly need to resolve this question.
I saved all my logs file chat and backup it all for any case. The problem is they dont wont to open it anymore not even copy i can.
I go to open file and tell THE SPECIFED FOLDER DOES NOT EXIST. and if go to copy and put somewhere else tell I DON'T HAVE PERMITION. well i am inside like Administrator so permission i do have, i watch advence settings and is Allow all...and my files don't wont to open anymore and still they are not NON EXIST cause at properties is writing how big is file so is still all inside... how do i open it?
I can't let to lose it. So please help me somehow. I am sure someone already wrote You about this and I hope you found the soultion. Is too much important files.
Thank you a lot.
I will wait for your answer

Best Regards
