
Conflict With Ultramon - Printable Version

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Conflict With Ultramon by mathieumg on 10-17-2005 at 04:56 AM

I'm using Ultramon to add more features for my dual-screens and I've noticed a problem if the option to add 2 more buttons in the title bar is checked when at the same times Plus! tabs are enabled. The result of this is that the Windows shell randomly f**ks up really bad. For example I can't start the calculator, windows explorer or the task manager. Some menus are in the wrong place (like when I click the File menu in Windows Explorer I get the right-click menu instead).

So I suppose the problem occurs when Plus! catches the MSN windows that have the Ultramon buttons to put them in a single window. I don't know if this problem can be fixed and if it can is it by the Ultramon staff or by Patchou, hence the fact that I'm posting this here, just in case...

Until its fixed, its possible to add msnmsgr.exe and msgplus.exe to Ultramon exclusion list and all will work perfect, but I don't have my little title bar buttons :(

Thanks a lot

RE: Conflict With Ultramon by Patchou on 10-19-2005 at 08:21 PM

There can't be any relation between other processes (such as calc) and Messenger, even when Messenger Plus! is installed. If you're 100% sure this problem happens, then the bug is in Ultramon. However, I use Ultramon myself and I've never experienced any problem (I have the switch screen button in my title bars).

RE: Conflict With Ultramon by mathieumg on 10-19-2005 at 08:58 PM

That is mysterious :p Because since I've added the MSNM and MsgPlus! processes to the exclusion list it never happened again :p

But if you say that it's not a Plus! bug you are the one who know it :p

Oh well, I guess I'll live without my title bar buttons in messenger ^^

Thanks for the information ;)