
tabbed conv and scrolling bug. - Printable Version

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tabbed conv and scrolling bug. by French Lobotomy on 10-20-2005 at 10:21 PM

  It happens to me that, when I have tabbing on (even if there's only one conversation window), the scroll bar gets fucked up. If I try to scroll up, after one second or so, the bar returns to the bottom of the conv, no matter what. This happens both when I scroll holding the scroll bar, clicking the up arrows or scrolling with the mouse. So I can't read stuff that have been said earlier :@. When I turn off tabbed conv, this doesn't happen.

RE: tabbed conv and scrolling bug. by matty on 10-20-2005 at 10:49 PM

This is actually a bug with MSN Messenger and the way the conversation window is designed. In order to read the conversation you need to click on the sent/recieved text and use your arrows to scroll.