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Change Nickname... by Tobiaz on 10-22-2005 at 06:03 PM

I'd like to change my 2.Nickname every Minute (Second were better...)
I'd like to do a Countdown in my Name...
Is that possible to change the name so often & fast?

I know how to make a DateDiff, but how can I change my 2. Nickname without let it type in automatical (like /vbchangename or so...)

I hope someone can help me...

Thank you very much!

I'm programming with VB6

RE: Change Nickname... by DragonX on 10-22-2005 at 06:07 PM

Go check out this thread.

RE: Change Nickname... by (CyBeRDuDe) on 10-22-2005 at 07:09 PM

Counter in Nickname By CyBeRDuDe :D... If you want to use it.... If not and you want to create your own.. please write again, and we will try to help you... :)...
What do you mean by 2. Nickname?... The Personal Message?... A counter for this haven't been created yet,  but it will probably be soon... :P...
If you mean the normal ordinary nickname, then the maximum change is 10 times per minute, that means you can change it 10 times during 10 seconds but then you have to wait 50 seconds before you can change again, or you can keep a constant change each 6th seconds, or even at 10 seconds which is most recomended if you want so low numbers... 1 minute or above is recommended in generally since lower numbers and frequent use of nickchaning is infact annoying to your other contacts, but this is another side of the story... :P...

RE: Change Nickname... by Tobiaz on 10-22-2005 at 08:54 PM

Hm... yes, I would like to hove it in my personal message...
The Nickname-counter doesn't help me...

I need a VB6 Code, for changing my Nickname automaticly...
And I cannot open the Nicknamecounter DLL!

Does anybody knows a easy Source?

thank you

RE: Change Nickname... by matty on 10-22-2005 at 08:58 PM

Matty's reply to How to start off a plugin and how to make it simply change your name

RE: Change Nickname... by Tobiaz on 10-22-2005 at 09:08 PM

Thank you! I will have a look at it tomorrow.

Edit: Thank you! Now I can change my nickname...

My Problem now is to change it every Minute?
I know to use a Timer... but how can I do this without a Timer?

Thank you again

RE: Change Nickname... by matty on 10-23-2005 at 01:40 PM

Originally posted by Tobiaz
Thank you! I will have a look at it tomorrow.

Edit: Thank you! Now I can change my nickname...

My Problem now is to change it every Minute?
I know to use a Timer... but how can I do this without a Timer?

Thank you again
You can't do it without a timer. What I suggest is take a look at this thread Matty's reply to Showing Form without vbModal in VB? For the programmers out there... :D.

Now you will want to have a Form with a Timer on it that is used to set the name every minute. (Timer's interval would be 60000).

Next on the Initialize of the Plugin you would call the ShowWindow Form1.hWnd, SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE (this will show the window but not give it the focus).

Next on Form_Load() you want to have the window repositioned and made smaller so it cant be seen.

(For this in design time you need to change the borderstyle = 0)
And in the Form_Load() code put

me.width=0: me.left=0

And obviously your code to change name will be in the timer.
RE: Change Nickname... by (CyBeRDuDe) on 10-23-2005 at 03:04 PM

You don't need to use the ShowWindow Api... :P.. To "advanced"...

All you need to do is put a timer on the form, set the interval or whatever...
In the plugin Initialize funtion, you just

Load Form1

Or whatever you form name is...
If you timer is set to Enable during editing, it will be enabled as soon as you call Load Form1, if you set it to false you just call
Form1.Timer1.Enabled = True

In the initialize function..
Or wherever you want it....
This means.. You don't need to show the form.. You just have to load it... :)...
Simple as that... :P...

The Showwindow Api can be used when you want to show a form without it Freezing the rest of Messenger... :)...
RE: Change Nickname... by Tobiaz on 10-23-2005 at 03:30 PM

Oh... thank you very much for helping!
I will try it jet...

Greeeeeez Tobiaz

Everytime I write something in the "inizalize function" my Messenger doesn't start right! He stops before he's loading the Contact List.
It doesn't load it, and nothing moves...

I only writed:

Load Form1
Form1.Timer1.Enalbed = True

The Timer shoud change my nickname "1" every 30s plus 1...

Why it doesn't run?


Edit: After a reboot, my nickname was changed plus 1...
He was "0", now it's "1"... but Messenger doesn't start when something is in the inizialize funtion...???

RE: Change Nickname... by matty on 10-23-2005 at 04:40 PM

Don't use

Load Form1
Form1.Timer1.Enabled = True

ShowWindow Form1.hWnd, SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE

And set the Timer to be enabled in design time. (When you can put objects on the Form)
RE: Change Nickname... by Tobiaz on 10-23-2005 at 05:20 PM

Thank you. I will look at it later. I don't have time jet.

Thank you very much for helping agin! :P


Edit: Thank you very, very, very much! It works great!
And also thanks to all the others who helped me!


Have a nice day...

RE: Change Nickname... by Tobiaz on 10-25-2005 at 05:25 PM

Hi, it's me again...
My Plug-in works now perfekt. But I have another problem.
If i will change my Nickname, there appears a MsgBox -> "Cannot change you Nickname, try again later" (In my Messenger it's on German... I transalted it by myself, thats because it's a little bit wrong, i think ;))

Maybe I changed my nickname too often? Is that possible?
What can I do...?

Thank you


RE: Change Nickname... by (CyBeRDuDe) on 10-25-2005 at 05:59 PM

Yes.. That is probably because you change your nickname to often.. As I mentioned before you can only change your nickname 10 times per minute.. If you try to change your name frequentlier than this you will get this message... Sometimes though you might experience that the messenger server and your timer doesn't count the exact same.. Therefor changing your nickname every 6th seconds (which is 10 times per minute) you might sometimes experince that you can't change your nick name the 10th time per minute, and you will also get this message.. IF you want to stay in as low seconds as possible you should probably change each 7th seconds instead...
Though sometimes it happens that there might be a litle lag on the server or on your connetion, when this happens you are not able to change your nickname... This might happen once in a while, if you are on a slow connection or the likes...
Hope this helped you?

RE: Change Nickname... by Tobiaz on 10-25-2005 at 06:12 PM

Yes... Now I know where the problem is. But I changed my nickname only each 12 Seconds... :undecided:
But probably i restarted MSN to often, and so it changed it more then 10 times / min...

But, how can I change my nickname now?
Will he be unlocked after 1h or 2h?

@CyBeRDuDe: Thank you verymuch for helping...
EDIT: Thank you, now I can change my nickname...

RE: Change Nickname... by J-Thread on 10-25-2005 at 06:26 PM

Sometimes msn is messing a bit with the servers, so you might try again later with the same code....