
HydraIRC and Sygate - Printable Version

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HydraIRC and Sygate by DragonX on 11-08-2005 at 12:33 AM

Whenever i try to connect to (through HydraIRC), Sygate pops-up and give's me an alert.

[Image: hydra-sygate-2.png]

Now the IP adrs given by Sygate is the same that HydraIRC is trying to reach the Plus! IRC server with.

[Image: hydra-sygate-1.png]

And then i can't connet to any channel or whatsoever. I'm not sure why, but this only happends with the Plus! IRC server, not with any other. Anyone have an idea on why the Plus! server is trying to scan some ports ?

Thx :)

RE: HydraIRC and Sygate by brian on 11-08-2005 at 12:35 AM

It's the identd getting blocked (for more info, google identd).. or probably when the server is portscanning you to check for proxies..

RE: HydraIRC and Sygate by DragonX on 11-08-2005 at 12:41 AM

but how come it only does it for this server and not any other?

RE: HydraIRC and Sygate by brian on 11-08-2005 at 12:47 AM

You sure it's the only one?

Try connecting to or so.

RE: HydraIRC and Sygate by DragonX on 11-08-2005 at 12:51 AM

yup i can connect to any channel on that one and i can also connect to #devart on

RE: HydraIRC and Sygate by brian on 11-08-2005 at 12:59 AM

Maybe because those servers don't run an anti-proxy lookup shizzle.

And I quote the MOTD

- Upon connecting to this server, you agree to be scanned for an insecure (open)
- proxy. If you see a connection on port 23, 1080, 3128 or 8080 shortly,
- please disregard it, as it is the detector in action.

RE: HydraIRC and Sygate by DragonX on 11-08-2005 at 01:03 AM

alrighty then, now i imagine that the Plus! irc server's Ip adrs is always the same ? If so i'll just "safe" that adrs in Sygate

RE: HydraIRC and Sygate by brian on 11-08-2005 at 01:09 AM

Yes it is.. just add it and it should work.