
Can you Force alerts to overtake fullscreen? - Printable Version

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Can you Force alerts to overtake fullscreen? by kubien on 11-26-2005 at 10:24 AM

Two things have always bugged me about MSN Messenger.  The 3 file transfer limit, and the popups vary rarely showing up when playing a game or most fullscreen programs.

Thanks to this lovely Messenger Plus!, one problem has been sloved, and many things I never thought about but glad I can change now. :)

However, I'm still stuck with alt-tabing out, or exiting a game only to find an hour ago someone messeged me and the popups never showed up.

I've tried having the "show me as busy [...] block my alerts..." thing unchecked.
I've tried having the "show me as busy..." checked, while having Plus!  "Display notifications even when set to Busy".
and pretty much every option related.

(did a little testing, and apparently reguardless of the setting, if you are set to "busy" all popups and sounds are disabled)

Is there a plugin, a setting I missed or anything that could do one of the following:
a) Force sounds to play when someone messages me that would be audiable while playing a game.
b) Force the notification/alert to show up through the game (I think it may be a bug, but in some games the screen flashes like its trying to switch out of fullscreen for an alert, but doesn't.  You can see the alert popup though)
c) Force the fullscreen whatever to minimize when someone messages me (like A.I.M. does)
d) Anything that can make it so I don't miss messages, or end up alt-tabbing every 5-10min to check for messages.

or, at very least, is there a way to set it up that when I start a game, my status will automaticly be set to "be right back", and be able to include an auto responce messages?

RE: Can you Force alerts to overtake fullscreen? by absorbation on 11-26-2005 at 10:32 AM

Originally posted by kubien
The 3 file transfer limit

Stuffplug can do this :)

Originally posted by kubien
a) Force sounds to play when someone messages me that would be audiable while playing a game.
b) Force the notification/alert to show up through the game (I think it may be a bug, but in some games the screen flashes like its trying to switch out of fullscreen for an alert, but doesn't.  You can see the alert popup though)
c) Force the fullscreen whatever to minimize when someone messages me (like A.I.M. does)
d) Anything that can make it so I don't miss messages, or end up alt-tabbing every 5-10min to check for messages.

all these are possible however i do not yet know of a feature or plugin that does them. Maybe wait for someone else's repley but i hav'nt seen much demand for this since I joined :)
RE: Can you Force alerts to overtake fullscreen? by haydos on 11-26-2005 at 10:37 AM

There was this project which would make your scroll lock LED light flash but it never seemed to be finished :( Maybe somebody else would be up to taking on this idea?

Originally posted by kubien
or, at very least, is there a way to set it up that when I start a game, my status will automaticly be set to "be right back", and be able to include an auto responce messages?

You could make a quicktext using Messenger Plus! for this idea
RE: Can you Force alerts to overtake fullscreen? by kubien on 11-26-2005 at 06:16 PM

Thank you for the replies