
Damn GFX Card :( - Printable Version

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Damn GFX Card :( by Reaper on 12-22-2005 at 11:05 PM

well i got my new graphics card today, Radeon X800GTO. for some reason, after putting in the new card, the monitor wont display a picture, instead it will stay blank in standby mode. i put in my old graphics card and everything is fine. so what can be the problem?
also my computer has diagnostic lights on the back, and they wernt all green (all green means everything is fine). i looked in my computer manual and the problem is "other" :|
btw, im using AGP

RE: Damn GFX Card :( by YottabyteWizard on 12-23-2005 at 12:08 AM

Make sure your mobo supports the speed of the video card, your mobo might be compatible with 4x or lower speeds of AGP.

RE: Damn GFX Card :( by Reaper on 12-23-2005 at 12:09 AM

well the max my mobo can support is 4x. so is that the problem. the card needs 8x to run properly?
but the radeon 9200 uses 8x speed but is running at 8x speed

RE: Damn GFX Card :( by YottabyteWizard on 12-23-2005 at 12:13 AM

No, rethinking about it, it should work.... it won't even display the boot screen? (Check-ups)

RE: Damn GFX Card :( by Reaper on 12-23-2005 at 12:18 AM

nope wont display anything at all. when the monitor is on, its shows a green light, as it is now. when the computer is turned off or in standby, the light is orange. so the monitor is orange when i use the X800GTO
also when the analog cable is not plugged in it will display the "No Input" message on the monitor, in case you needed to know :P

RE: Damn GFX Card :( by YottabyteWizard on 12-23-2005 at 12:24 AM

Wich is the brand or anufacturer of the videocard? (Sorry if I'm not especific, im talking about eVGA, Gigabyte, etc...)?

THe mobo you have is the one from Dell you posted on the CPU thread?

RE: Damn GFX Card :( by Reaper on 12-23-2005 at 12:25 AM

yup the mobo is from dell.
the card is Gecube ATi Radeon X800GTO
[Edit] i saw an article which i found on google. another person had the same problem and it turned out the power to the card was not setup properly. could it be my PSU isnt giving enough power to support everything in my computer?