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MSN 8 Skins... by Maku_Enterprises on 01-23-2006 at 06:17 PM

I am looking for someone who is good with photoshop and wants to create skins for the new MSN Messenger. If you don't have it I'll send you an invite so you can work on it with me. Thanks

RE: MSN 8 Skins... by Matti on 01-23-2006 at 06:23 PM

At this point, skinning Windows Live Messenger 8 isn't possible. Since Microsoft used messy RLE's instead of simple PNG's, we aren't able to skin the biggest part of Messenger. Untill this is fixed, skinners will get stuck on 7.5...

I would be glad to help you, but it's just not possible... :(

RE: MSN 8 Skins... by absorbation on 01-23-2006 at 06:27 PM

Do not let the headline fool you, I wish I could be saying that I really do however skinning may have reached the end with Windows Live Messenger, this post is a report into, the world of skinning Live and how it may of died.

In MSN Messenger we had the ability using certain software’s to replace the resources in the main exe (msnmsgr) to modify the appearance, by changing bitmaps, icons, uifiles and the main image format pngs. In Windows Live Messenger, we have all these things expect for the pngs. This is a huge blow as skinning is useless without images, and skinners like theunknown and ipab spend weeks finding out information that could enable us to skin again.

The research discovered that a new image format was included, known as .rle, immediately we thought we could skin again by converting it into a png, editing it and converting back to .rle but low and behold Microsoft officially hate us a made the extension in there own encoding thus making this technique impossible unless we were Microsoft employees.

Our hopes were down and we began to speculate, maybe in Live a new skinning system is being set up, one that allows us to change themes like visual style do, it makes sense why else would they change it? However, after fizcials numerous e-mails to the team they claimed they had no idea what we were on about and there were no public plans to set up a skinning system. Furthermore by patching the main .exe the sharing folders feature stops working, as it needs to be digitally signed and we all know the team are extremely proud of this new feature and would go at all costs to keep it.

So skinning does look bleak now and we cannot say if there will be any more skins coming soon, the only way to skin is hard and annoying we could manually re-add the links to the pngs in the uifiles, which would make the whole process about 3 times as long. I plan to keep fully up to date about skinning Live so stick around for more information.

My explantion :P
RE: MSN 8 Skins... by John Anderton on 01-23-2006 at 06:59 PM

It is really sad that this has happened ..... i hope there will be a possibility of skinning in the future ....
Did ms not like people changing the default theme that they had ?? :P
Oh well :p

RE: MSN 8 Skins... by ipab on 01-24-2006 at 05:03 AM

its been skinned... to be honest, if not for the rle's, everything would be the same. There are ways around the rle and the unknown is really good at that. I'm trying to get used to that way too.

RE: MSN 8 Skins... by Hank on 01-24-2006 at 05:16 AM

Sad there will be no skins but we'll soon get used to with what we have now an live without them

RE: MSN 8 Skins... by ipab on 01-24-2006 at 05:40 AM

Like I said, it can be skinned, it take quite a bit longer but it still can be skinned. Never fear :).

RE: MSN 8 Skins... by Hank on 01-24-2006 at 05:49 AM

sure if you hack some file which maybe illegal

RE: MSN 8 Skins... by RebelSean on 01-24-2006 at 05:52 AM

Originally posted by Animal
sure if you hack some file which maybe illegal

Hack? More like chance the resources/PNG's. It's not -that- illegal. As stated many times, the MSN team does not care if it's skinned.

Oh, and I wouldn't even bother anticipating a skin till the release of the final version :p.
RE: RE: MSN 8 Skins... by Hank on 01-24-2006 at 06:03 AM

Originally posted by XxRebelSeanxX
Originally posted by Animal
sure if you hack some file which maybe illegal

Hack? More like chance the resources/PNG's. It's not -that- illegal. As stated many times, the MSN team does not care if it's skinned.

Oh, and I wouldn't even bother anticipating a skin till the release of the final version :p.

thats why i said "maybe"  but you did say " its not that illegal"
RE: MSN 8 Skins... by John Anderton on 01-24-2006 at 09:09 AM

didnt skinning msn messenger 7.x also include h@xing some files to change a few resources ..... so wasnt that in a way a bit illegal ??

Originally posted by ipab
Like I said, it can be skinned, it take quite a bit longer but it still can be skinned. Never fear :).
* John Anderton waits for aero wlm :P
RE: MSN 8 Skins... by ipab on 01-25-2006 at 06:00 AM

aero wlm will start as soon as TB figures out how to save rle resources. Right now, thanks to TheSteve (from msnfanatic), wtbw and TB, we are able to view rle files. Not save them, just view them. It's a great big step in the right direction.

holy shit yes, skinning is soooooooooooooo illegal, its off the chart.

RE: MSN 8 Skins... by Hank on 01-25-2006 at 06:15 AM

as soon as he figures it out?.. which could be a long time if he's busy with skool stuff,

RE: MSN 8 Skins... by Idium on 01-25-2006 at 05:40 PM

"Not That Illegal" err, Illegal is Illegal No Matter how you put it, and by skinning Messenger you are H@xing the Exe and which is more than a "bit" illegal

RE: MSN 8 Skins... by absorbation on 01-25-2006 at 05:45 PM

Originally posted by Idium
"Not That Illegal" err, Illegal is Illegal No Matter how you put it, and by skinning Messenger you are H@xing the Exe and which is more than a "bit" illegal

not really i never signed the terms of use. It is legal for me i did not get any prove that is was when installing the program.
RE: RE: MSN 8 Skins... by CookieRevised on 01-26-2006 at 12:04 AM

Originally posted by Absorbation
Originally posted by Idium
"Not That Illegal" err, Illegal is Illegal No Matter how you put it, and by skinning Messenger you are H@xing the Exe and which is more than a "bit" illegal
not really i never signed the terms of use. It is legal for me i did not get any prove that is was when installing the program.

yes really :p... You use the program, thus you've signed the terms of use (otherwise you wouldn't be able to install the program in the first place)
RE: MSN 8 Skins... by Idium on 01-28-2006 at 02:41 PM

just remember the EULA is a electronic contract, by clicking NEXT u have said "i agree to be bound by such turms and conditions as layed out in the Contract" hence the last letter in EULA standing for Agreement.

there i go being pedantic again

RE: MSN 8 Skins... by qgroessl on 01-28-2006 at 02:58 PM

Originally posted by Animal
sure if you hack some file which maybe illegal

Skinning is illegal in the first place... so it's not that big of a deal :refuck: