
broken encrypted chat logs.... - Printable Version

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broken encrypted chat logs.... by cndbeauty67 on 02-03-2006 at 04:21 PM

heh I sent this originally as a PM to Patchou but then realized just now that hey, dude prolly has PM'ing turned off because of how many he must get in the run of a day.  Patchou is not everyone's bitch :P

So now I'm just doing a normal thread in the hopes that someone can help me.....

Okay I am running three different versions of msn on one hardrive.  I like the skin I have for 7.0, I have 7.5 for the foolish voice clippy feature, and I'm trying wlm.

What I essentually did to keep all three versions on my computer was created a new folder in my c:/programfiles directory.  Before I installed 7.5 I created a folder called msn2 and copied everything in the original default install path for msn (c:/programfiles/msnmessenger) into the msn2 folder.  I did the same thing when I installed wlm only I copied the default folder into msn3.  With patches and such I am able to run all three messengers simulatneously.  Wheeee.

OS = xp pro
version of plus = always latest version
running latest mess patch for each version (except of course wlm)
skin for 7.0 matrix
skin for 7.5 bidiblue
wlm: no skin unpatched

Hokay so now that the background specs have been declared onto my problem: when I copied everything, I noticed my chatlogs did something weird, they started over.  Everything that had been said for the month's current document was gone.  In my chatlogs folder, I have generic windows icons for what I believe to be my broken logs now titled  When I try to open them in notepad, they don't ask me for my password and it opens up all weird computer language or something.

What is the ple.1 file extension on the end?
I assume it's because I moved the program to a new folder and messed a bunch of stuff up that something conflicts and breaks my chatlogs, and if that's the problem okay.  I can live with that.  But I was just wondering if there was a fix and if it's possible to salvage my lost chatlogs?

The xml logs that msnmessenger provides open up clearly, but I find they can lose stuff depending on random boots, not shutting msn down properly etc etc so I dont trust them as much.

Thanks for your time and I'm sorry it's so long winded


RE: broken encrypted chat logs.... by ShawnZ on 02-03-2006 at 04:37 PM

Originally posted by cndbeauty67
they don't ask me for my password and it opens up all weird computer language or something.

because they're ".ple.1". I guess they're still encrypted chat logs, but unless they end with .ple, they're not going to be opened by messenger plus.
RE: RE: broken encrypted chat logs.... by cndbeauty67 on 02-03-2006 at 05:58 PM

Originally posted by ShawnZ
Originally posted by cndbeauty67
they don't ask me for my password and it opens up all weird computer language or something.

because they're ".ple.1". I guess they're still encrypted chat logs, but unless they end with .ple, they're not going to be opened by messenger plus.

ShawnZ you are like the smartest person EVER!!!!

I changed the file name and removed the .1 extension and tada!  My chatlogs open!!!  I so would NEVER have thought to do that without you pointing out that plus needs the extension to be .ple for it to open!!!

Thanks a lot dude!
You've made one happy camper out of me!!!

*hugs lots!!!*

RE: broken encrypted chat logs.... by Patchou on 02-03-2006 at 06:59 PM

Note: this bug wil be fixed in the next version.

RE: broken encrypted chat logs.... by CookieRevised on 02-04-2006 at 02:12 AM

Originally posted by cndbeauty67
ShawnZ you are like the smartest person EVER!!!!
Actually that is basic computer knowledge though.


The file extension is what defines the program to use to open a file.
Programs can associate file extensions in Windows so that a file with that particular file extension will be openend with that specific program.

eg: by default, files ending in ".txt" are associated with Notepad. Files ending in ".doc" are associated with MS Word, etc...

The file extension is the last part of the file name; more specifically everything which comes after the last dot. So you can have a filename like "", the extension will be ".you", and not ".hello" or "" or whatever else.

Plus! only associates ".ple" files as encrypted chat logs. Hence why a file ending in ".1" is not reconized by Windows as a Plus! encrypted chatlog. Logically, because many kind of files can end in ".1". eg: "readme.1", "readme.2", ...

Originally posted by cndbeauty67
The xml logs that msnmessenger provides open up clearly, but I find they can lose stuff depending on random boots, not shutting msn down properly etc etc so I dont trust them as much.
Actually, the Messenger XML logs are more "stable" than the Plus! logs. This is because conversations in Messenger are written almost instantly to the logs. In Plus! they are not written instantly, but only after a certain time. This makes that Plus! logs are the ones which, if all things being equal, will lack more content than Messenger logs after random boots, not shutting messenger down properly, etc...
RE: broken encrypted chat logs.... by Patchou on 02-04-2006 at 08:42 AM

Actually, the Messenger XML logs are more "stable" than the Plus! logs. This is because conversations in Messenger are written almost instantly to the logs. In Plus! they are not written instantly, but only after a certain time. This makes that Plus! logs are the ones which, if all things being equal, will lack more content than Messenger logs after random boots, not shutting messenger down properly, etc...
..which will also be "fixed" in the new version :p.