
Windows Live Toobar Available - Printable Version

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Windows Live Toobar Available by RebelSean on 03-09-2006 at 01:19 AM

A new toolbar for Internet Explorer is out, and I must say it's awesome. It is not available via yet, but I have a direct link for yall to get it. Click here to download.


- Standard MSN Toolbar features including Form Filler, Tabbed Browsing, Pop-up Blocker, Highlight tool.
- Feed Detector - Add web feeds to your homepage direct from the Toolbar. Supports both RSS and atom feeds. Feed Detector button turns orange to notify that a web feed is available, then click to add to
- Extensions for Messenger/Mail/Spaces. Allows you to only install the buttons you want.

My most liked feature is tabbed browsing (h). It works great and doesn't lag any on my system. I've attached a screenshot for yall :).

RE: Windows Live Toobar Available by albert on 03-09-2006 at 01:26 AM

Seems cool, trying it out now.

RE: Windows Live Toobar Available by Hank on 03-09-2006 at 02:13 AM

looks cool. :)

RE: Windows Live Toobar Available by Lou on 03-09-2006 at 02:28 AM

I would try but I am afraid the tabbed browsing may interfere with internet explorer 7 beta 2.

RE: Windows Live Toobar Available by YourNeibour on 03-09-2006 at 02:34 AM

cool twice as many features as there previous version :D

HINT HINT: now if there was only something like that for firefox *cough* *cough*

RE: Windows Live Toobar Available by Chris4 on 03-09-2006 at 02:48 AM

It's nice, but it takes up too much space :P
I don't think it's that good IMO
Think I'll just stick with Firefox :P

RE: Windows Live Toobar Available by Voldemort on 03-09-2006 at 02:58 AM

tabbed browsing
* Voldemort wooowws.
* Voldemort downloads to try tabbed browsing.

RE: Windows Live Toobar Available by guanako on 03-09-2006 at 04:19 AM

tabs werent so good with MSN tool bar,  i havent bother to try this how is it?

RE: Windows Live Toobar Available by qgroessl on 03-09-2006 at 04:22 AM

Tabbed browsing... for IE... sweet :p... Now I might not have to use firefox as often...

RE: Windows Live Toobar Available by John Anderton on 03-09-2006 at 11:40 AM

IE 7 had tabs (in a dodgy way tho :P) Anyways i like FF and i dont think something as small as this can make me change again. Unless they can consume less memory, make the browser faster and get extentions like FF. Not to mention my gm scripts (dont even get me started about trixie ¬¬)

Dont make this into a browser war :P

RE: Windows Live Toobar Available by ShawnZ on 03-09-2006 at 11:45 AM

Did you people never realize in your life that MSN toolbar had tabs for AGES?

RE: Windows Live Toobar Available by guanako on 03-09-2006 at 04:21 PM

Originally posted by ShawnZ
Did you people never realize in your life that MSN toolbar had tabs for AGES?
i knew but its not as good, imo i didnt like it.
RE: Windows Live Toobar Available by RebelSean on 03-09-2006 at 10:02 PM

Originally posted by ShawnZ
Did you people never realize in your life that MSN toolbar had tabs for AGES?

Yes, but to my knowledge it hasn't been in it until recently (Like in the past year or so is when I thought it was added). Not only that, this toolbar's tabs seem to work a lot better than the regular MSN toolbar's.